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"Lee..." Chan thought to himself.


He snapped out of his thoughts, handing the wallet to him. "You left your wallet."

"Oh, thanks. See you around." And then he left.

"Lee Roeun... of course. Kyora knows he's close to us, especially me. He even sent her some recordings or whatever. Lee Roeun, you are a monster from hell."

"What did he say?" Minho questioned.

"He killed Sooah."

Minho spit out the water he was drinking. "He admitted?!"

"No, but his name starts with Lee and Kyora knows him. Our friendship even ended because I heard him call Kyora about sending her recordings."

"Oh no..." Sooah let a tear slip down her face as she listened to Chan and Minho's conversation.

"Well, let's go get some proof you idiot." Minho huffed and pulled Chan with him.


Chan faked needing Roeun's help and they drove towards a cafe where they will be meeting up with Roeun.

"Hey, Roeun, sorry about before. I was just really upset." Chan apologized, fake apologized.

"No worries, what do you need help with?"

"So you know how you're really good at recovering CCTV footages?"

Roeun nervously gulped. "Yeah."

"Is there any way you could take the CCTV footage around the hospital the day Sooah died and recover it? When the police tried to see it, the footages were gone.

"Umm..." he looked around with worry in his eyes.
"That would be quite difficult, but I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, you're the best!" Chan exclaimed— although he felt like throwing him off the third floor already.

"Oh yeah, where were you the day Sooah died? I don't think you showed up at her funeral." Minho questioned.

"O-oh, I was busy that day." He reasoned.

"What were you up to?"

"I was actually in Jeju, yeah. I came back to Jeju that day."

"I see... what time did you leave?"

"Around 12 PM?"

"Where were you the day before?"

"I was buying things and packing for Jeju."

"What did you buy?"

"Some snacks, new clothes, just regular things."

"What clothes did you buy?"

"Uhh some b-black sweaters, hahah, you know I like dark clothing."


"Roeun tends to spill everything when he's lying." Chan told Minho on their way home.

"But we still don't have proof that it was him."

"I know... let's just try to recover the footages first. There's no way we're letting that monster touch the footages."

Minho nodded at Chan before parking at the police station.

"I'm still mad the police closed Sooah's case." Chan huffed.

"So am I."

"Excuse me, we're here to take the CCTV footages of Lee Sooah."


"Bang Chan."

The police officer nodded and excused himself before coming back with what they asked for.

Chan and Minho got in the car and left the police station together. At the same time, Roeun hid from behind a pillar and walked in.

"I'm going to turn myself in!" He shouted at Kyora.

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