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"I don't know, there's no other evidence besides the CCTV footage." Chan sighed.

"Can I see your list?" Changbin questioned.

Chan nodded and walked up to his room, rummaging around his table until he found it. His eyebrows knitted when he saw all the names crossed out.

"That's weird, I don't recall crossing their names out."

Chan walked out his room and came back to the living room. "Here, but I really do not recall crossing them out." He said.

Changbin took the paper and everyone crowded around him, trying to see who the people are.

"Maybe Sooah crossed them out trying to tell that it wasn't any of them."
"Sooah, if you crossed them out, give us a sign." Jeongin said out loud.

The tap in the kitchen turned on for a few seconds before turning off.

"I told you." He smiled.

"So who killed her then?" Minho ruffled his hair with a frustrated groan.

Chan looked down, his hands covering his face. Then, he looked up with dark eyes. "Park Kyora."

Everyone looked at each other with confused faces.

"Kyora's in jail."

"That's not what I meant, Kyora might have assigned someone to kill Sooah." Chan replied.


"There's only one way to find out." Chan stood up and grabbed his keys, Stray Kids following behind him.
"We're seeing Kyora."


"Who did you ask to kill my Sooah?" Chan growled, hands balled up.

Kyora evily laughed. "She's finally dead."

"Answer the question." He gritted his teeth.

"I'm not telling you." She smiled.

"So you did."

"Maybe." Kyora evily laughed again before getting sent back to her cell.

"So, did she tell you?" Felix asked.

Chan shook his head. "But she definitely did ask someone to."


"Sooah..." Chan whispered, sitting on his bed.

"Yes, Chan?"

If only he could see her.

"Please come back."

Sooah sighed and sat next to him, wrapping her arms around her.

"I know I'm already dead but I'll always stay by your side, I'll be protecting you."

"Sooah." He sobbed, desperately needing her hug.

Her real hug.

"Sooah!" Chan kept calling out her name.

After Chan calmed down, he stared out the window, talking to her again.

"I met Kyora today." He said.

"I know, I saw everything."

"Was she really the one behind all this, asking someone to kill you?"


"Who was the person?"

Sooah whispered a name to Chan but it was no use, he couldn't hear her.

"Sooah, I want to go with you."

Her head instantly shot up hearing his words as she panicked.

"No, Chan! I swear if you do, I'm never going to forgive you, I will not want to meet you again in our next life." She scolded.

"But I know that you'll probably be very mad at me." He laughed.

Sooah sighed in relif. "You know that."


"Sooah, please give me at least a clue about the person who killed you." Chan pleaded before closing his eyes, going into a deep sleep.

Sooah appeared in his dreams again, it all felt so real but Chan knew it wasn't. She finally answered him.


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