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"I see you still have her in your wallet after all these years." Minho chuckled, patting Chan's back.

He smiled, wrinkles showing up on his face. "It's to remind me that Sooah is still with me."

"She will always be. She should have been here right now." He let out a sigh.

"And we should already have grandchildren by now." Chan added, caressing Sooah's picture.
"I miss her, Minho. I miss her so much." He whispered, tears dropping down onto his wallet.

"We miss her too, we all miss her. She's watching over us, so don't worry." Minho replied, pulling his ex leader into a hug.

"Chan, Minho- oh I'm sorry, what happened?" Jeongin walked into the room but stopped when he saw both his older ex groupmates in a hug.

"I just miss Sooah." Chan replied, wiping off his tears with his sleeve.

Jeongin sadly sighed. "I do too."
"Memories of her are still vivid in this house after all these years." He looked around the big house which was where Sooah lived. Now, only Chan lives there with Minho and Seungmin while the others come once in a while to visit since the three are the only ones from Stray Kids who didn't have soulmates anymore— or have psychos as their soulmates.

"And they're finally here!" Jeongin exclaimed, looking at the door where Seungmin was bringing the rest of the boys in.

"Took you all long enough." Chan chuckled.

"Not my fault my car broke down." Jisung groaned, plopping down on the sofa.

"Not my fault my soulmate suddenly got clingy." Hyunjin replied, sitting next to Jisung.

"Not my-"

"Yes we get it, you all have soulmates and we don't, or don't want ours." Seungmin rolled his eyes at them.

Laughter erupted through the room, just like the good old times.

"Crazy to think that we all have been best friends for over fifty years." Changbin commented.

"Yeah, I miss singing on stage and recording songs." Felix sadly pouted his lips.


Chan stared up at the white ceiling, barely able to keep his eyes open. His eyes started to close slowly as darkness consumed him.

He opened his eyes again. Now suddenly, he was in a garden, a garden that's too perfect to be true.

"Am I in heaven?" He asked himself, looking around.

He came upon a lake and looked at his reflection, almost falling down. "I look... young, is this really me?" Chan asked while examining his features. "So I guess I'm twenty again?" He chuckled.

"Chan... Chan?" A familiar voice called out to him.

"Sooah!" He turned around, looking for his long lost soulmate.


But she was nowhere to he found.

"Sooah, I'm here!" He shouted, running around to look for the voice.


Chan turned around once again and there she was, standing right in front of him, eyes tearing up with a smile on her face.

"It's been a long time." She whispered.

He ran towards Sooah and brought her into the tightest hug possible, sobbing onto her neck.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, I've been waiting for fifty years." She replied, breaking the hug and staring into his eyes.
"You still look the same as the last time I saw you."

"And you still look as beautiful as ever." He replied, kissing her forehead.

"I guess our time together is up." She sighed, looking at the sunset, which indicates that they will go to their next lives.

"See you in another life, Sooah."

"See you in another life, Chan."


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