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"Who's name starts with Lee?" Chan asked himself, staring at the piece of paper in front of him titled 'suspected people for killing Sooah.'

"Lee... Sooah? Of course not, there's no way she killed herself." He sighed and crossed out her name right after writing it.

"Lee Felix?"
"No, he was with me the entire time while we were shooting the music video." Chan crossed out his name.

"Lee Minho."
"Yeah, he's suspicious. He excused himself from the shoot and didn't come back for a long time."


"Minho." Chan looked at his groupmate with dark eyes.

"Hey, Chan."

He eyed Minho suspiciously. "When you left during the 'ex' music video shoot, where did you go?"

Minho looked at him confused and thought. "Oh, I went to go get some food with Jeongin because it wasn't our time to shoot yet."

Just in time, Jeongin walked past them holding a bowl of cereal. "Hi guys."

"Were you with Minho getting some food when we were filming the music video for 'ex'?"

Jeomgin knitted his brows and thought. "Yeah, we went to eat some burger."

A look of relif was seen from Chan. "Okay, nevermind then."

"No, wait. Why did you ask?"

He took a deep breath. "The person who killed Sooah, his first name is Lee."
"So I suspected everyone I know who's names start with Lee. You and Felix, I'm sorry."

Minho gave Chan a reassuring smile. "Don't be sorry, we're all here to help figure out the killer."

"How did you know?" Jeongin asked.

"Sooah came to me in my dreams again, that was the only clue she gave."

"Oh... who else has Lee in their names?"

"I have no idea either. If you think of any, let me know and tell the others too."

The two boys nodded at their leader before going back to whatever they were doing.

Chan sat in front of his table, thinking as hard as he could.

"What about the NCT members? Sooah was close with them and Kyora probably knows that." He said.

"Lee Taeyong."

"Lee Mark."

"Lee Ten."

"Lee Jeno."

"Lee Haechan."

He noted all of them down.

"But the Dream members were on a world tour, including Mark and Haechan— or at least that's what I found out from Felix from Chenle." Chan crossed the three names out.

"Sooah was pretty close to Taeyong. I don't think she knew Ten much because he was in Wayv at the time Sooah was still their makeup artist, but I'll keep his name there just in case."

He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder how Sooah is doing."

She smiled at him, "I'm doing alright. Just, you know, watching over you guys."

Chan continued thinking about all the people who knew Sooah that has 'Lee' in their names but gave up, leaving the list as it is.

He grabbed his phone from his side and searched for one specific contact he got from Felix, since he was close to the NCT members, especially Chenle.

"Hello, Jaehyun?"

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