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Kyora laughed. "Then, you'll be with me here in jail."

"I know. But I can't live after killing Sooah's entire family, including Sooah, with no regrets."

She tilted her head to the side and raised one of her brows. "Are you sure you'll be willing to turn yourself in?"

"Yes, and I'll say all this is because of you."

"Oh, because of me? I only asked you to kill them but you were the one who crashed Soohun's car, flipped their parent's car and suffocated Sooah to death." She smirked.

Roeun looked down.

"You shouldn't have followed my orders." She laughed.
"And plus, if you did turn yourself in, who do think will get more punishment? You, or me? I'm only in jail but you? You might get executed."

"Yes, officer Han Doreum here. I heard some suspicious things from Park Kyora and the person meeting her. Make sure you keep the voice recording." The police assigned to bring Kyora back to her cell came in a bit too early when they were in the middle of their talk and heard the last bit of it.


"Lee Roeun, you will be questioned about the suspected murder of Lee Sooah."

He was about to leave when one of the police came and stopped him. Roeun let out a gulp and followed him into a room. From the corner of his eye, he could see Kyora smirking at him.

She knew from the start that someone was listening to them so she made Roeun reveal more things. Witch.

"What did you and Kyora talk about?"

"We uh... talked about how we've been." He nervously said while looking around.

"Then, why was Sooah's name mentioned?"

Roeun gulped. His breath shortened as he fiddled with his fingers, sweating loads.

"I see you can't answer that. So it was you. Lee Soohun, Lee Suheon, Hwang Eurah, Lee Sooah, they all died because of you."

Roeun felt his heart clench from guilt and regret. Oh how badly he wished he wouldn't have followed Kyora's command.


Why did he follow her command in the first place? Of course, money. The witch named Park Kyora offered him a ton of cash if he did what he was told and because Roeun was in debt, he didn't think much and did all that.

Only to realize what horrible things he has done to the Lees, to Chan, to Stray Kids, to Mireun, Kyuha and Jiyo.

"Yes, it was all me. Under the command of Park Kyora."

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