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"Hello?" Chan placed down Sooah's framed picture and picked up a phone call. It was from the police station.

"Is this Bang Chan?"

"Yes, that's me."

"We have found the person behind Lee Sooah's case." The police said from the other line.

"Is it Lee Roeun?"

"Yes. I see you knew already. He was also behind Lee Soohun's car crash and their parent's car crash too."

Chan turned the phone off and got ready to go to the police station and meet Roeun, maybe beating the crap out of him too.

"I guess my job here is done." Sooah smiled, looking at Chan who was hugging her framed picture.

Tears streamed down Chan's face and it streamed down Sooah's too. She walked up to Chan and crouched in front of him, examining his face.

"Sooah, I need you. We found the person who killed you already. But that doesn't make you come back." He sniffled, gripping on the frame tighter.

Sooah's hand raised up to caress his face. "I have to go now, for real this time. I can't be here anymore, I can only watch over you guys from above. I love you Chan, see you in the next life." She placed a kiss on his lips and looked at him with a painful smile before his figure disappeared from her sight and she was back in heaven.

A sad sigh left her lips as she looked at a crying Chan who eventually left the house with Minho, driving away from.

"You'll see him again." A hand was placed on her shoulder.

"I hope so, Soohun."


"So, Roeun is getting executed." Chan said as he stared at the garden in front of him.

"Yeah. He took four people's lives, he doesn't deserve his."

Chan nodded at him, agreeing. "Let's go, we need to record our song."

Minho stood up and followed Chan to the car. "I can't wait to hear your solo song for Sooah."

"I've finished recording it last night, I hope you and the other members will like it, I hope stays will like it and most importantly, I hope Sooah will like it."

"I heard it already with you last night, it sounds amazing." Sooah smiled.


"It's been a long time since Sooah left this world." Chan said to the crowds of people attending their concert.

"I don't think I'll ever get over her passing, she meant so much to me, she was the love of my life, my soulmate. And here is the song I wrote for her."

The lights dim and the song started playing, Chan sang with all his heart and cried throughout the song. At the end, he couldn't help but sob.

2 updates today because school starts tomorrow ugh :(

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