Sleepless Nights

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(f/n) - first name (l/n) - last name (n) - name of choice (h/l) - hair length (h/c) - hair colour (e/c) - eye colour (f/c) - favorite colour

I looked at the time in the corner of my phones screen for what seemed like the billionth time that night.


Just one more. I thought to myself. Then I will go to sleep. To bad fanfics had other plans for me...


Oh shut up. Yes I read fanfics until I'm practically dying! And I have work tomorrow too. The world is cruel. But anyway. Tonights particular topic is the man with really, really long arms, clad in a black suit and red tie. Also with tentacles coming from his back... yup. Slendyman ♥


I lay there dying after reading yet another x reader fic. Like someone storm into my room and steal my phone please I'm dying! But each time I finished a story, I would squeal silently in delight of how cute some of these stories could be...

Just as I clicked onto my next choice a soft wind blew throughout my room. I shivered slightly but brushed it off. My door was closed as usual but where my bed was placed could easily be hit with such a breeze.

My phone froze after loading half the page. I frowned at it a little angry that it was acting up. It does this every now and then, overheating that is, so I didn't get too frustrated. Usually I just lock and unlock my phone. So thats what I did. However in the small 2 seconds that it took to do that, in the momentary darkness, a face appeared next to my door. Needless to say, I panicked a little, looking over to my door, finding it still closed and nobody there, I settled myself down a little.


A momentary static covered my phones screen. Fuck. I locked my phone's screen and in the same second closed my eyes, slowed my breathing and tried to pretend I was asleep.


Apparently I wasn't fooling anyone, not even myself... I felt something snake up my leg underneath the light sheet, something else remove the said sheet and begin to snake around my waist then up to my shoulders. I was starting to panic.

I thought he wasn't real! Why is he here? Oh My Gosh, he's going to kill me... I have to do something! ANYTHING!

I gave up my facade and opened my (e/c) eyes slowly. There he was. He was standing a little hunched over, to tall to fit in my room. My eyes widened, but no sound escaped my lips. I felt myself slowly being lifted upwards and then turned upright, so I was about half a meter from is blank face. A single tear escaped my eyes as I fumbled for words.

"U-um... p-p-p-please don't hurt m-my f-family." I said quietly, not even knowing if he understood me. "Just me. P-please only t-take me." His face moved slightly, making it seem as though he was confused.


I blinked, confused.

"Why do you not beg for your life?"

The words flooded into my mind, a slight static to them.


"Why do you not plead for me to spare you? Everyone else does, you don't even fight back. Why?"

I was so confused. I mean, Slenderman was talking to me telepathically for pete's sake.

"Um. Well if I yell or fight back, my family might wake up and you might hurt them too right? So I can't. I don't want them hurt."

"Why not, they could save you?"

"Because I love them."


I was slowly put back down and covered with my sheet. I panicked a little more, was he going to hurt me? Was he going to hurt my family first?

A light chuckle echoed in my head "No child, I will not hurt them. Here, give me your wrist."

Afraid of the tall faceless men, I pulled my left arm out from under the safety of my sheets and held it up to him. I expected him to crush it or cut it off, however he held it gently in his left hand whilst he traced a symbol of some sorts onto my wrist. When he was done he released it and I pulled it back to my body, holding it front of my eyes. A mark began to appear were he had touched, a circle with an X mark through it.

"What is it?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"That, child, is my mark. It will allow me to teleport to you at any time, it will protect you and your loved ones from the other, what do you call them, Creepypastas, and, it also marks you as mine." The last words were spoken from his mouth. Wait, Slender doesn't have a mouth... I looked his face over again, where his mouth was meant to be, well, there was one now. It was almost like a humans, but wider and he had insanely pointed teeth.

I began to stutter and cry a little, fear finally taking it's full hold over me. "B-but I don't want to be yours, I just want a normal life." Tears fell from my eyes at a steady pace, my body shaking with fear.

"Would you rather I killed you?"

My eyes winded and the tears became heavier as I shook my head. "No, no... no."

A large white hand slid under my neck, sitting me up. I clutched my knees to my chest and managed to quieten my choking sobs. The same hand then moved under my chin and pulled my face up gently to meet his. I closed my (e/c) eyes and sobbed, wishing he would just let me go. His thumb began wiping tears away as his other hand came up to meet my face, wiping away tears on my other cheek. As I sat there sobbing he just continued to wipe away tears until I calmed down enough to breath normally again.

I sighed and opened my eyes to look up at him.

"Better now?"

I nodded my head. His right hand then moved from my cheek to my (h/l) (h/c) hair. He began stroking it gently as I relaxed a little, finally sure that he wasn't going to kill me.

"What's your name child?"

"(f/n) (l/n), but just call me (n)"

"(n) huh, it's very cute"

I blushed bright red as he chuckled a little.

"Until we meet again, my little (n)"

And just like as fast as he came, Slender emerged back into the darkness.


Yay!! It's done! If you want more just comment cause I'm not sure if this is going to be a one shot or a short series?

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