Life is beauty

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I don't want to die.

I want to hear the tune of the rain hitting the window and the chirping of the birds in the morning. Even if it's at four am and all I want is to be able to drift away to the world of dreams. 

Maybe, it's infuriating and repetitive but it tells me not everything has changed. The birds are still chirping and the rain is still forming puddles that little kids splash around in.

I want to watch the stars at night and count them while imagining what it would be like to one day see them up close. The moon is probably laughing at my ridiculous dreams as it shines down on me. Yet, it doesn't matter, because, in those moments, it's just me and the universe.

I may just be a speck on this planet we call our home, but we're all a part of something so fascinating, a planet filled with so much beauty that we take for granted. It shouldn't be something sad, it should be an opportunity. A blessing, truly.

I want to uncover all the secrets the earth has hidden within and relive all those little moments that make it feel like home.

I want to dance in the rain like I'm the main character in a coming of age movie. I want to laugh until I can barely breathe at something silly that doesn't even make sense. I want to swim in the sea and feel the water surrounding me, almost like an embrace.

I want to snuggle up in a blanket with my hot chocolate when it's snowing outside and watch a cheesy movie. I want to gaze out of a car window with a song playing in the background and pretend I'm the star of a music video.

I want to go on late-night drives and get that strange feeling it gives you that's quite unexplainable, almost nostalgic. I want to accomplish something others may deem as not an accomplishment but it's okay cause it makes me feel so giddy and bubbly with excitement that I feel like a little kid again. I want the feeling of making someone so happy, you can't help the grin on your own face.

Most importantly,

I want to live.

Not survive,
truly live.

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