09 - "They spotted me."

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February 19
11:20 AM

The three males found their way out the hotel. Which wasn't that hard but let's just ignore the fact that Yoongi's heart fasten its pace every time the elevator stop at a certain floor.

"I'm late for work, dammit! I need to go, are you guys fine with that?" Jin sighed as the elevator reached the first floor. "I'll just take the taxi."

"Yeah its fine, i'm sorry about this." Yoongi answered as he looked down at his shoes, scratching his nape with a pout.

"Don't feel sorry, it's our fault we left you in that party alone." Jin assured, "But for real, I need to go. I'll see you guys, okay?"

Jin waved goodbye as the sliding doors opened, leaving both of his friends. Yoongi and Jimin waiting for the elevator to take a stop by the basement parking lot and walk to where Jimin had parked his car.

"I'm pretty sure its D2." Jimin looked around with knitted eyebrows searching for his car, reading the numbers drawn on the posts. "I knew I'll forget." He groaned as he stomped around.

"You wait here while i go find the car, okay? Call me if something's wrong." Jimin said and he had ran off not even letting Yoongi answer.

- because he knows Yoongi will whine and try to ask him to come. The aforementioned male just sighed and pouted. He suddenly thought about Hoseok and what he's doing right now.

Should i call him? Yoongi asks himself.

Right as if Hoseok could hear his thoughts, his phone started ringing, revealing Hoseok's caller ID. Yoongi smiled widely and his cheeks heated, answering the call right away.


"Hey." Hoseok said back and after that, everything went silent.

Now what?

There was an awkward silence. Neither of them have anything to say so they just stood there, with their phones pressed against their ear waiting for someone to speak up again.

Hoseok wondered where all his confidence went. He's sure as hell he had so many things to say to the younger that will cause him to giggle or be flustered.

But suddenly, he can't think of any.

"Where are you?" In what felt like centuries Yoongi finally managed to let something roll out his tongue.

"I'm on my way to the front of the hotel to wait for my driver because I have a wedding to attend." Hoseok said, his head perking up as he heard the elevator doors open but before the male could even walk out, he heard screams erupt from the other side of the room causing him to turn his whole body around.

Camera men, reporters and random civilians was pooling from across the hall, pushing their way to Hoseok as they kept on screaming his name like crazy.

"He's over there!" One of them screamed, pointing a finger to the rapper who looked as if he was a deer caught in headlight.

"Fuck. fuck. FUCK!" Hoseok cursed as he tugged on his hair, his bottom lip tugged in between his teeth while his feet felt like it was glued to the ground.

"What is it, Seokie? What's wrong?" Yoongi asked, the same amount of panic Hoseok has was evident in his voice.

"They spotted me." The rapper simply replied, retreating immediately inside the elevator and clicking the button to the first basement parking lot.

"Then run!" The younger yelled.


"Me and Jiminie will wait for you by the basement, Okay? I'll call your name so you'll know where we are."

The elevator dinged, the doors slid open and he was met by a Red SUV with its window open, a mop of silver fluff sticking out of it.

The silver fluff was Yoongi's hair, the said male yelling Hoseok's name and waving his hand. Hoseok smiled, jogging over to the car and opening the passenger seat by the back where Yoongi was sitting.

The smaller male immediately enveloped Hoseok in a hug, the other swear his heart never skipped a beat like this.


a / n :

sorry for the boring short filler chapter 😔👉👈

the next chapter will be the last one and after that i was thinking about publishing a new sope book, do guys want a texting fic or a story ? pls let me know in the comments <333

also thank you for reading this chapter, i appreciate every votes and comments in this book !! love yall ❤️

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