08 - Genius reporters

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February 19
10:43 AM

"For fucks sake hyung, get off the damn phone!" Jimin yelled as soon as he pulled up the hotel's parking lot by the basement.

Seokjin just rolled his eyes as he continued on talking to his boyfriend who was at the other line, pretending like he didn't hear anything from the younger.

Jimin groaned loudly and continued on whining and running his mouth as he and Jin walked up to the elevator.

Seokjin decided he had enough of Jimin's drama queen antics and gave up, "Goodbye baby. I have a whiny bitch who won't shut his damn mouth off with me right now, I'll talk to you later, yeah?" Seokjin finally said his goodbye and ended the call before turning to Jimin with a you-happy-now-?-look

"Fucking finally, so will you please call Yoongi-hyung now? Tell him we're already here?" Jimin sighs, Yoongi is indeed getting that lucky ass some whooping, he's stressing jimin out.

As soon as they exited the elevator to the hotel's ground floor, they saw a group of camera men and reporters by the waiting area. Rambling and talking nonstop about j-hope and that mysterious male, Min Yoongi.


"Are you fine by wearing this?" Hoseok asked Yoongi as he pulled out a jean short from his luggage.

Yoongi looked at the shorts and pouted, "Y-Yeah, I guess." He nodded hesitantly and tugged on the piece of clothing.

And no, he's not fine with wearing men's jean shorts. But he doesn't have a choice and he's not one to complain constantly.

"You sure?" The taller asked again as he started putting on clothes for himself. "Yup." Yoongi assured with a nod.

Hoseok could tell Yoongi was not saying the truth. The last thing he wanted for the younger is to feel more uncomfortable because of him. Also, Yoongi mentioned earlier he prefers feminine clothes more and Hoseok thinks he's an idiot for forgetting that.

"Hold on, wait for me, okay?" The rapper said throwing the piece of clothing on the bed and put on his black cap and face mask.

Yoongi don't know what's happening but he just nodded, Hoseok nodded too, flashing a sweet, heart shaped smile at the shorter before heading out to the door.

As soon as Yoongi realized Hoseok will leave the room he finally managed to talk,"Wait, where are you—" Yoongi didn't even get to finish his sentence, Hoseok had already bolted out the room. So the younger just sighed, putting on the pink sweater and the ripped jean shorts the rapper gave him.

Yoongi laid on the bed with a nervous sigh, where will Hoseok go? What if the camera men spots him? That's gonna be a pain in the ass. Hoseok might run away and go home by himself, he didn't even get to give him a proper goodbye.

Yoongi, you need to stop overthinking!

Some minutes passed the door swung and shut close as quick as it opened, revealing an almost breathless Hoseok hugging something in his chest, "Here, wear this." He instantly said, pulling out a skirt that was on a clothing hanger and wrapped in a plastic cover.

Pardon me, for I don't know how to explain it properly.

"Wh-what?" yoongi asked as he eyed the skirt Hoseok was holding.

"Wear this, baby. Come on, we don't have time." The ravenet rushed, ripping the plastic apart and pulled out the striped black and white midthigh skirt.

"Huh? Where'd you get this?" Yoongi's face lit up as he stared at the taller with his curious cat eyes.

"I stole it from the housekeeping man," The latter said, placing his pointer finger to his mouth with a 'shhh', "Don't tell anyone." He added with laugh.

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