1K 15 18

Your Name: y/n Alukia

Hair Color: h/c

Hair Length : H/l

Eye color: e/c

Skin Color : s/c

Age: 18 in the real world;12 in the Naruto world

Chakra nature's: All 







kekkei genkai: Soshigan

Soshigan: elemental eye,(there is more info about this eye but that will be revealed later in the story

 You say Soshigan to activate it.With it you control all elements and can copy other kekkei genkai's and also thought this move takes a lot of Chakra you can stop time for 10 seconds but you might die so you never do it (in this story)

Soshigan main Jutsu 

Power Star ,

If and when you say Power Star then the element your using your able to control any element but depending on the element your hair and eyes change colors also the element you use either coats your arms and/or legs or spirals around you but you lose Chakra like half of it.

If you say power star (whatever element) body,then it turns your whole body into that element and your eyes light up now this one is more dangerous because you lose most of your chakra like 3/4 of it (specific elements will be explained later)

Mystic flame

Basically a blue fire ball but really powerful

Your summoning is a dragon (bec dragons are cool 😎) 

She is quite nice though she can be toxic at times.

Your clan name is Alukia,The specialize in elemental control and they are demons or angels,but your a hybrid of both.

Favorite color:f/c 

Your personality will be in the story just not told directly well maybe through compliments idk

Your love interest : basically all the boys but not all I'm going to add hinata because there are some people that are bi.

(but I'm not like them because I'm straight no disrespect)

Well I think that's all more stuff will be introduced during the story.I don't own Naruto,that is all my anime lovers


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