Tradegy in Kento Village

452 10 14

(2 year time skip you 8 now)

Your POV ×××××××

 I never had more fun I my LIFE!!

 Being in Naruto has changed my life for the better.And today's my birthday! I'm so excited,I can hardly wait!I made my way back home after training alone in the woods again,when I got in the village  was deathly silent.'Hmm...That's odd there's nobody here to bully me...'I thought to myself cautiously looking around.I slowly made my way back to the clan house with this feeling in my stomach as if something is wrong .Ignoring that feeling I continue through the village.

 I finally made it to the clan house only to here alot of pained voices and screams muffled by the door.I opened the door and see scared villagers and shinobi on the floor tied up and my family right in the front.I look to my left and see my sister standing there with an emotionless face,holding a sword covered in blood near a pile a dead body's.

Third Person POV ~~~~~~

"S-sister..? w-what are you d-doing "you said a little scared.It didn't take a genius to figure out what happened.Your sister stared at you then let out a malicious chuckle "oh my foolish little sister ( a/n:itachi? Ok back to the story) it's nice for you to make it back." "Why are you doing this?"you said trembling.You never expected her to do this to her village,she was so kind and strong but she changed.

 "Heheheh I thought it was obvious oh well, can't be helped,"she said evilly."I was going to kill them quickly and quietly but now that your here maybe you should watch,"she said.You quickly backed away only to get tripped then tied with her chakra strings."L-let them go! No please..."you said scared."Hmmm who should we start with...Ah! The Kinaikage you can go first,"she said without emotion.You helplessly watched in horror as she mercilessly killed everyone except her family.You tried to move,you yelled at her with tears in your eyes to stop but she kept killing them.Their screams and pleads forever in your head,rivers of tears flowing non-stop down your face.

 When she killed everyone except her family she turned towards them with a blank face sword and body covered in blood.She slowly walked towards them while you did everything you can to get out of the strings.You managed to get out her chakra strings then you turned to her only to see her kill your brother.And as if time went in slow you motion she killed your mom and dad,before your mom died she mouthed 'I love you' to you and she was stabbed in the heart.You were frozen everyone you loved your clan,your village,your family....gone.You were mad,sad,broken hearted you felt destroyed inside.You stood up tears silently falling down your face and glared at Sylvia(that's your sister's name).

 "Well well well,look who finally awakened Soshigan,"she said recovering from her shock."But let's see how long you can last"she said.You launched at her for a punch only for her to duck and dodge.She then grabbed your arm and spun you around to face her and punched you in the stomach while slicing your arm a little.You flew threw the wall and outside, you decided that there was no way you could beat her because she was stronger and more experienced in fighting then you.You became....scared...not for anyone else but...for your life.

 "Still think you can beat me?"she said as she grabbed you by your neck and started choking you."The only way to beat me is to get stronger.Your weak..You couldn't even save our family.I'm not even going to kill you because your..pathetic."she spat harshly.Those words echoed through your head 'pathetic...weak' you couldn't help but feel scared.

You wanted to run,scream...cry but you were being choked,you couldn't move.She then threw you on the ground and you moved your self backwards until you turned around and started running.You yelled with tears falling out of your eyes"Leave me alone.!Please! I-I don't want to die yet!"you ran never stopping for rest fearing that she will get you.

 Hours of running with scratches and bruises,tears in your outfit and covered in sweat and dirt covered in dried tears and blood.You lost blood too so you were on the verge of fainting until you found a village with two gaurds by the gates.You started to black out so you said in a weak voice""then you fainted.The last thing you saw before fainting was two men running towards you calling you,but you didn't here them.

 That was the day that Kento Village along with the most powerful clan in the world Alukia...was no more.The once happy-go-lucky girl that everyone knew and loved...





I love this book so far.I think in my opinion this was my favorite chapter so far.Anyway...

WASSUP MY ANIME LOVERS!!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.I don't own Naruto or you.Hmm is there anything else that needs to be covered...Nope nothing that I can think of so have a great day and...


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