Chapter 1

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 It was an ordinary day, Moonbyul and Solar went out in the morning and visited their favorite café. When they arrived, Solar spotted a golden retriever. She nudge Moonbyul's arm and show her aegyo. She needn't have to ask the question and Moonbyul knew what she wanted. Moonbyul's smile and nodded. Solar's face lit up with a bright smile and she darted off toward the dog. Moonbyul went to the table they usually sat at and ordered a cup of latte for herself. As for Solar she ordered what she knew Solar would love best, tea. When the waiter took her order and left she turn her attention to Solar, who was down the street merrily petting the golden retriever.

She thought the sight of it was the most beautiful thing in the world. The love of her life, simply seeing Solar's smile made her heart flutter with joy. The waiter brought out their coffee and tea and Moonbyul took a look at her watch. Solar have been playing with the dog for a while now. So Moonbyul got up and head toward Solar, who was in her little happy world. When she got there she squat down next to Solar and held her hand. Then she lean close to Solar's ear and whispered.

"Our drinks are ready love."

Solar turns to Moonbyul and slightly blush at the sweet voice that flow through her ear like music. She hit Moonbyul on the shoulder and say softly.

"That's know how I get when you whisper in my ear."

Moonbyul laughed and Solar pouted.

"I'm going to take revenge on you," Solar whispered softly.

"Hmm?" Moonbyul looked at Solar curiously.

"Nothing," Solar said with a smile.

When they were standing up, Solar lost balance and Moonbyul caught her.

"Are you all right?" Moonbyul asked while scanning Solar.

"Yeah, my legs are just a little numb from squatting too long." Solar answered while rubbing her thigh. "I'll be alright," she continued and proceeded to walk toward the café.

Moonbyul pulled her back and lifted her up in the air.

"What are you doing?" Solar exclaimed.

"What do you think? I'm carrying you. How could I let my lady walk while her legs are numb. So just stay still or we'll both fall."

Solar place her arms around Moonbyul, then gently guide Moonbyul's face toward her own and their lips touch.

"'re such a bad girl," Moonbyul said coolly.

"Hmph," Solar's smiled and rested her head on Moonbyul's shoulder.

"But the kiss could have been better," Moonbyul said jokingly.

Solar was shocked at the comment, slap Moonbyul on the shoulder, and began squirming around. They almost fell in the process.

"Hey, hey. I was only kidding. It was a joke, a joke." Moonbyul said apologetically.

Solar face was still pouting when they reach the café. She didn't stop pouting while they were drinking their beverages. Moonbyul kept trying to apologize but Solar pretended not to hear, although Moonbyul could see she was smiling.

"I know exactly what would make you smile again," Moonbyul proclaimed. "I'll be right back."

Solar still pretended not to hear and not to care when Moonbyul left. Although her gaze was completely fixed on Moonbyul and it followed where Moonbyul was heading. Moonbyul went to the nearby candy store and bought a box of mint chocolate. It was the first present Moonbyul gave to Solar when they started dating. Ever since then Solar would eat some when she wasn't happy, but she doesn't want to eat it if Moonbyul was not the one who got it for her. So every time Moonbyul got her some more she would smile happily. So now if Moonbyul does something mean and Solar pretended to ignore her, she would buy a box of mint chocolate for Solar. It would cheer Solar back up instantly. When Moonbyul got into the candy store the store owner, a middle age woman, looks at her and said.

"Again? What did you do this time?"

Moonbyul laugh loudly and said, "Do you see me that much?"

"Yes I do actually," the store owner responded, "You're in here like every week. I don't mind it but it seems like you're always making your girlfriend angry."

"Ah~ It's nothing serious. Having some of your special mint chocolate would cheer her up in no time."

"You know my mint chocolate is nothing special, it's just the person giving it to her is special. That's why she loves it so much. Still the same as before then?"

"Yes m'am and in a heart shape box like always," Moonbyul winked and smile.

The owner waved her off and proceeded to prepare her chocolate. It took about a minute or two before it was finished and wrapped. Moonbyul paid for the chocolate and thank the owner then she headed back to Solar. As she was heading back she saw Solar being forcefully pulled away. She dropped the box of chocolate and rushed toward Solar. She got there in time and kicked the guy away. It was the waiter who took her order earlier from the café. He got up off the ground threw a punch at her, she easily side step it and punched him in the throat then knock him on the ground again. He rolled on the ground clenching his hands to his throat coughing heavily. It doesn't seems like he was getting back up anytime soon so she rushed back to Solar.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?" She check Solar from head to toe.

"No, I'm ok. Are you hurt?" Solar also check to see if Moonbyul was hurt.

Moonbyul took Solar in her arms and tightly hugged her. "Thank god you're ok." She whispered.

Just then another man ran toward them with a wooden plank in hand, he was also wearing a waiter uniform. Solar back was facing him so she didn't see him coming. Moonbyul gently push Solar out of the way and raised her arm to mitigate the blow. But it was a little too late, the blow manage to hit her head although not at full force. Her arm receive the blow at full force and was broken. Her head was bleeding but she still managed to fight back. She kicked the man away, and he was about to rush in again when he noticed a policeman was coming towards them. He grabbed his buddy and ran. Solar rushed towards Moonbyul, who was still standing, the moment Solar touched her she collapsed. Solar managed to catch Moonbyul in her arms but didn't have enough strength to support her. Solar was calling Moonbyul while tears were rushing down her face, but Moonbyul wasn't responding. She tried to stop the bleeding on Moonbyul's head but it flows through the gap between her fingers. Moonbyul laid motionless on Solar laps. The policeman called for an ambulance and she was rushed to the hospital.

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