Chapter 12

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 Moonbyul woke up that morning feeling a little daze because of the events from the night before. She felt a little bliss that she was finally getting discharged from the hospital. A place where maybe a little too much things she didn't understood happened. She went to wash up and stayed in the restroom for awhile. She tried to put everything together and try to make sense of it but it didn't work. She sighed a little and went to pack her bag. It was about half done when someone came in.

"Appa!" The little voice shrieked and ran towards Moonbyul.

Surprised and startled Moonbyul turned around, "H-hey, how have you been?" She ruffled the boy's hair and he laughed.

"Good! I've been good!" The boy answered enthusiastically.

"He really wanted to see you so I brought him here," the woman spoke.

Moonbyul looked up at the woman, gave a slight smiled, and looked back at the boy. "Did you miss me?" Moonbyul asked the boy.

"Yes! This much!" The boy extended his arms as far as he could and Moonbyul smiled.

The woman went over to Moonbyul's bag and started to pack for her.

"It's ok you don't have to," Moonbyul came over to the woman with the boy in her arm.

"I want to do it for you," the woman smiled.

"I think it would be better if I do it myself," Moonbyul continued. "Beside..."

"Appa!" The boy yelled interrupting the conversation. "Let's go outside and play a little."

"No, Jae-Yoon ah. We came here to help appa pack and go home," the woman sternly said and the boy pouted.

"It's fine," Moonbyul jumped in seeing the boy pitiful face. "There's no rush." She turned toward the boy and said with a smile, "let's go play a bit."

"Yay, play time!" The boy cheered but the woman looked unhappy.

They went outside together and again like last time the woman sat on the bench a little distant away watching. Moonbyul was happily playing with the boy but the woman looked uneasy. She glances around and didn't looked like she wanted to be there. When she noticed Solar approaching she panicked a little. She mumbled something to herself and got up to block Solar from getting any closer to Moonbyul. Hwasa yelled and slightly pushed the woman but she didn't budged. She kept glancing toward Moonbyul. Hwasa got irritated and raised her voice. She pushed the woman a little harder and the woman fell. Moonbyul came over after noticing the commotion and helped the woman up from the ground.

"It's really not what it looks like," Solar tried to explained and Moonbyul felt her sleeve being tugged from behind.

"If it's not then what is it!?" Moonbyul yanked her arm away.

Moonbyul saw a lot of things scattered in the air and she noticed tears fell down Solar's face. Her heart started to ache. She wanted to explain that she didn't mean to do that. That she didn't mean to hurt Solar. She wanted to say many things but she didn't know why. She didn't understand her own feelings so the words didn't come out. Then quickly a hand slapped her, it was Solar. Solar didn't say anything, she didn't screamed, her tears fell silently. She bend down on the ground and began picking up the items. Moonbyul was in a dazed as the woman pulled her away with the boy. She looked back at Solar as the distance between them grew farther apart. An unknown sadness gripped Moonbyul's heart. Whee-In and Hwasa was helping Solar without uttering a word.

When Moonbyul got back to her room, she was still not herself. The woman and the boy spoke to her but she barely heard them. Moonbyul sat down on the chair as the boy nudged her leg but she only sigh and not smiled. The woman came over to grab Moonbyul's bag and knelt down next to where Moonbyul sat. The woman began to speak but Moonbyul couldn't really understand what she was trying to say.

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