Chapter 8

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 Moonbyul was getting overly irritated. She had repeated herself over and over but the girl continue to cling onto her arm. She tried her best to explain but the girl just wouldn't get it. The girl was giving her feelings she didn't enjoy. Feelings she couldn't understand. She felt anger or maybe sadness, or something else, or a mix of all three, but at what? Not knowing the answer made her angrier. The more the girl pleads and cries, the stronger these unsettling feelings became. She just want to get rid of it, she wants to make it disappears. The only thing she wants right now is to distant herself from the girl, to get rid of these unpleasant feelings.

She yanked her arm away and quickly walked off. She doesn't want to look back, she doesn't want to see the girl. She felt like she was running, but she couldn't believe that to be the truth. She walked quite a distant before she stopped in front of a bench and sat down. She tilt her head back and closed her eyes. She tries to control her breathing and calm herself.

'I am your moon. I will never let your world be enveloped in darkness. I will protect you.'

She quickly opened her eyes at the sudden voice and looks around. There was no one close to her so even if they were to speak she wouldn't be able to hear them. She sighed and try to take some deep breaths to calm herself. Just then a sharp pain ran through her head. It was only for a brief moment but it caused her to be disoriented and she held her right hand to her head. When the pain subsided and she regains her composure she felt as though someone was watching her from behind, but when she turns around no one was there. She sat on the bench for a little while before she decided to head back to her room.

When she thought about the woman and the child, she doesn't feel any unpleasantness from them and she was glad. Although she doesn't believe everything the woman had said, at least the woman wasn't giving her the distasteful feelings the girl had. She believe that at the very least the woman have some good intentions. But when the image of the girl came to her mind she tries to shake it off. She didn't want to think about the girl in any way. She didn't want the unpleasant feelings to return.

She reached her room and entered. She began undressing. She had just finished unfastening the second button when suddenly a bang rang out from behind her. She jumped and quickly turn her head around. Two strangers stood at her door, one looks like she was about ready to kill someone and the other was calmer. She's try to speak to them nicely thinking they got the wrong room, but after she'd asked what they wanted the angry stranger charged at her suddenly. The angry stranger knee her in the stomach. She could have avoided it. She could have blocked it. She could have fought back. Somehow she knew she could but her instinct prevented her from doing so.

Moonbyul was feeling irritated again, but she felt that somehow her anger wasn't directed at the two strangers. The angry stranger was screaming at Moonbyul and wanted to follow up on her knee attack but the other one held her back. Moonbyul held onto her stomach but doesn't say anything in return. Just then the door creeks open and Moonbyul turns her attention toward that direction. The girl from earlier walks in, she looks even more exhausted now than when Moonbyul last saw her. At least the girl had stop crying. At the sight of the girl Moonbyul felt the unpleasant feelings from earlier came back. She hated it and looked away from the girl and the two strangers. Moonbyul thought to herself 'why is the girl here of all people?'

The angry stranger calmed down at the sight of the girl, but Moonbyul didn't care to turn around. She just wanted the girl to go away and take these unpleasant feelings with her. She heard the girl footsteps coming towards her and when she reached towards Moonbyul, Moonbyul's grabbed the girl's arm and spoke harshly. Moonbyul didn't know why she'd reacted that way but she suddenly felt scared by the girl's touch. She walk toward the window and look outside trying to distant herself away from the girl. She tries to calm herself but it was to no avail.

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