Chapter 14

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 When Moonbyul awoke the next morning she looked around the room but she didn't spot Solar. She felt a bit sadden at the sight and proceeded to wash up. When she was taking off her shirt, she noticed a red lipstick mark on the collar of her shirt. She stared at it for awhile speechless then sighed. Her face blushed a little. While taking a shower, she smiled to herself as she recount the event of the night before. She softly touched her lips and smiled as she remembered she felt a happiness when their lips touched. She snapped out of her daydream and wondered what was wrong with her. She doesn't understand why she was acting that way and thought it was ridiculous. She shook her head and push away the thoughts to the back of her mind.

Once she finished washing up she felt hungry so she headed to the kitchen. She wasn't sure what to eat or what she could make and pondered about it on the way. When she got to the kitchen something delicious invaded her sense of smell. She saw on the table a plate of breakfast still have a bit of smoke rising into the air. It looked delicious and it was still warm. She saw a note next to the plate and open it to read the content.

[Byul-Kong, did you sleep well? Not aching anywhere are you? You were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to wake you. I made you some breakfast, you better eat it even if it taste bad. I'll be mad if you don't. I had to head home to clean up, I don't smell so great. I'll see you later. *kiss* love from your Yong-Kong]

Moonbyul smiled as she read the note and placed it gently back down on the table. She picked up the fork and ate her breakfast. There was a sweetness that slowly filled her heart with every bite. She didn't noticed but she never stopped smiling as she ate her breakfast just like the smiling omelet on her plate. She didn't even realized whether it tasted good or bad, she just ate it as if it was the best thing on earth. She even began humming a lovely tune as she washed the dishes. She wasn't sure what to do with the note Solar left behind, but she didn't want to throw it away. She thought about putting it onto the fridge but it's a bit embarrassing if Solar saw it she thought. She could place it in a book but she might forget about it, so she decided to place it inside a small metal box. She was heading to her room to find it when the doorbell rang. She smiled as she thought Solar was on the other side. When she open the door her smiled wasn't gone but it wasn't really happiness that she showed.

"What's the matter?" Young-Sun asked. "You don't seemed to happy to see me."

"It's nothing..." Moonbyul answered. "I just thought you were someone else," she mumbled to herself.

"What?" Young-Sun raised her brows.

"It's nothing," Moonbyul smiled weakly. "Come in. Can I get you something to drink? What bring you here all of a sudden? Did something happen?"

"It's fine you don't have to get me anything. I came to see how you are doing," Young-Sun shyly responded. "Does something have to happen for me to see you?"

"No that's not what I meant, but it's good nothing bad happened. But..." Moonbyul hesitated, "How did you know I was here?" Moonbyul stopped and looked at Young-Sun.

"Ah that," Young-Sun mumbled to herself before answering. "A friend of mine saw you last night entering this building. I wanted to see you so I came here. The nice landlady downstairs gave me the number to your apartment." She smiled.

"I see." Moonbyul didn't questioned it any further.

"Can you show me around the place?" Young-Sun asked cheerily.

"Sure, I guess." Moonbyul answered without enthusiasm.

She showed Young-Sun the living room, and the kitchen first. She was hesitant to show her bedroom and it seemed she didn't have to. Young-Sun came over to the kitchen table and sat down. Moonbyul went to pour her some water. While Moonbyul was pouring the water Young-Sun spoke out.

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