Chapter 13

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 After slapping Moonbyul and gatherings her things. Solar headed back to her room with Hwasa and Whee-In to her belongings.

"I think I was a bit too hard on her. Should I go apologize?" Solar pondered out loud.

"No, unnie," Hwasa protested. "You have to be firmed!"

"But she looked pretty shocked," Solar said sadly. "I don't think she meant it."

"Isn't that good?" Whee-In replied. "It meant she have some feelings for you."

"I guess but..." Solar hesitated.

"Unnie," Hwasa placed her hands on Solar's shoulders with a stern look, "Do you think Byul-Yi unnie have feelings for you even though she have no recollection of the past?"

"I think so...I'm pretty confident she does from her reaction," Solar slightly smiled.

"Ok then I have a plan," Hwasa grinned. "Let's get out of here first."

"But shouldn't I go apologize?" Solar exclaimed.


Whee-In and Hwasa each taking Solar by the arm dragged her out of the hospital. Solar was still protesting but gave up half way through because it was in vain. Whee-In and Hwasa let go of her arm so she could walk by herself. Once they were out at the lobby Solar stopped in front of the desk to dropped off some items. She took a map out of her bag and began doodling.

"What are you doing unnie?" Whee-In asked and Hwasa looked over.

"What are those suppose to be?" Hwasa raised her brows.

"I'm marking some apartments near where we live. This sun here is of course our place. The best there is. I hope she'd come home of course." Solar exclaimed.

"Then why are you marking other apartments on there?" Whee-In asked curiously.

"What if she come home but refuse to stay and then I don't know where to find her. It's for just in case if she still needs time alone." Solar slightly pouted.

"But why do you think she would pick something you draw on there?" Whee-In asked again.

"It's just a feeling. I can't be sure of it but I'd rather have done something then nothing." Solar sighed.

"What do the symbols mean unnie?" Hwasa quickly jumped in seeing Solar frowning a little.

Solar smiled and replied, "This heart mean it's the closest to our home. The heels mean it's a little walk away but not too far. The legs, well I heard there's a lot of sexy girls here, so I'll kick her if she goes here. As for this angry eye, it's far away from home so that's why I'm drawing it like that."

"Unnie, you're really creative." Hwasa cheerily complimented clapping her hands.

Solar handed the nurse the map, she dug through her bag for the car key and handed it over to the nurse as well. She also brought out a wallet but opened it to check before handing it to the nurse. She turned the wallet around and carefully inspect it for something.

"What are you doing unnie?" Hwasa asked curiously.

"I want to see where I can hide a picture," Solar answered while concentrating on the wallet.

"Hide?" Whee-In looked at Solar intently. "Wouldn't it be better to place it somewhere it can easily be seen?"

"I don't know, but I like my method better." Solar disagreed.

"But Byul-Yi unnie couldn't find what you hid most of the time," Whee-In added.

"She found it eventually though, so it'll be fine." Solar smiled.

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