Chapter 4

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 Solar fell asleep sitting on the chair in the hospital. Her head resting on her arm atop of the bed Moonbyul is resting on. In her deep sleep she dreamt a beautiful dream. It was a beautiful winter night, white speckles gently flowing from the sky. Solar stares at them from her window as the million of speckles whiten the whole sky. Then something warm gently wraps itself around her body from behind. Moonbyul hugged Solar and wrapped a blanket around them. Solar's smiles and lean her body back, resting her head on Moonbyul's shoulder. They watch the white sky together.

"What has caught my lady attention up there?" Moonbyul whispered sweetly.

"I'm trying to see if I can find you up there." Solar teased.

"Which moon would you choose then?"

"Hmm..." Solar pondered for a while in a teasing manner before replying, "The one my heart beats for of course." She smiles.

"Then why aren't you looking at me instead?"

"Hmm...Did I say it was you?" Solar jokes.

"You don't have to, because I can feel your heart right here, pounding out of control." Moonbyul teased back and Solar blushed.

They both laughed and exchanged a kiss. Spending the peaceful night together in each other warm embrace. They sang together a song they both love, 'Love Lane'. Solar woke up at the break of dawn, the sun was rising far away. She look at the person laying on the bed, gently caresses Moonbyul's face and sigh.

"Will you wake up today and smiles at me?" Solar asks gently then kiss Moonbyul's lips.

Solar went to freshen up then she doused a hand towel in warm water and rinsed it carefully to make sure it wasn't dripping wet. She brought the towel with her when she went back to Moonbyul. She proceeded to unbutton Moonbyul clothes and gently wiped the sweat from her body. Solar ran her hand through every curve carefully and delicately. She made sure to avoid the injuries and clean where she could. She made several trips to the bathroom and back before she finished. Then she got a dry towel to dry Moonbyul with. After she was done she redress Moonbyul and cleaned up the towels.

Whee-In and Hwasa came to visit early in the afternoon. They brought lunch and ate together with Solar. Solar didn't eat much and she kept watching Moonbyul. Even as someone was speaking to her, her eyes are glued to Moonbyul as she answered. When the doctor came to do checkup she sat nearby to watch and answers all her question indifferently. And so the first week was coming to an end but Moonbyul condition is still the same. Solar spent every day by Moonbyul side massaging her, cleaning her, singing to her, and telling her stories. Whee-In and Hwasa would come visit during the day and leave late in the night keeping Solar company as best as they could. The doctor would come do the checkup and leave, but Moonbyul was still the same, sleeping peacefully.

It was the weekend when Hwasa and Whee-In managed to convince Solar to go home for a little and rest. They could see she was exhausted. Hwasa stayed behind to watch Moonbyul so that Solar wouldn't worry and Whee-In drove her home. Although Solar was hesitant at first, she agreed to it eventually and headed back home with Whee-In. She fell asleep in the car. When she got home she went to pack some new clothes and Whee-In helped her take the dirty one into the laundry room. When Solar got to her room she laid on the bed she shared with Moonbyul. She recalled what it was like to lay her head on Moonbyul's chest, feeling safe in Moonbyul's embrace. She fell asleep without realizing and woke up when it was getting late. She rushed to pack her clothes but Whee-In did it for her already. Then Whee-In took her back to the hospital and left with Hwasa after bidding farewell to Solar and Moonbyul.

On the second week, she dreamt that Moonbyul caresses her hair while she slept. She felt happy and it was first time in a while since she slept pass dawn. However when she awoke she realized that reality as she know of right now was missing something important to her. The lively, playful prankster's smile and embrace. She couldn't help but cry when she looks at Moonbyul. Although she dismissed the tears quickly and go back to her cheery self, a sadness continue to grip her heart.

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