Chapter 16

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 When the woman came out of the abandoned apartment she suddenly stopped and stood there for a while. Her eyes were wide opened as she stood still, when someone accidentally bumped into her she glared at that person angrily, gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists. He sped off away from the woman. She was feeling angry again so she headed back into the abandon apartment. She needed to take it out on something so she thought of the pets she kept in that room and smiled. She merrily trod back to room 206 as she thought of all the things she could do to make herself feels better. Then her fists clenched and her brows furrowed as she remembered that girl was with Moonbyul. 'What is she doing with Byul-Yi? What? What? What? WHAT? WHAT?' The woman was fuming at the thought. She angrily stomped towards her target. She wanted them to feel pain, so much pain for being useless. She wanted them to wish that dying would have been better than living. They will pay for their failures.

When she got to the room she realized the book she placed in the drawer was now on the table. 'Someone is here. In my sanctuary' she thought angrily as her face twitched. She scanned the room, eyes filled with hatred, with the thought of killing the perpetrator. She swiftly went to a box hidden in one of the corner and took out a taser and two knifes. She carefully stride closer to the backroom, being as quiet as she possibly could. She noticed the door was open. She was startled at the sudden buzzed and held one of the knife tightly in her hand. It was a phone call. When she heard the voice tears fell down her face. She recognized the voice to be Moonbyul. 'Why? Out of everyone in this world, why are you here? Why must you dirty your eyes with these things? But it's not my fault, they are all to blame. You wouldn't hate me right? You'd understand right? Yes, you would. You are here because you have realized we are meant to be. We can be together now. Yes be together, forever.' The woman wiped away her tears and smiled. Her lips were twitching as these thoughts continued to run rampant in her head. She approached the room. She tugged the knifes away and held the taser tightly behind her.

When she spoke out from behind Moonbyul, Moonbyul suddenly became silent. When she saw how Moonbyul was looking at her she felt her heart shattered. But she understood it was not Moonbyul fault, Moonbyul was just bewitched. The woman believed she could lift the curse on Moonbyul so she regained her happiness for a moment. When she heard Solar voice emitting through the phone she became angry. Her breathing became uneven, she looked as if she wanted to kill someone. She glared at the phone but tried to look as nice as she could when she looked back at Moonbyul. However, she couldn't control her facial expression so it was twitching weirdly.

As she approached Moonbyul, Moonbyul backed away. The woman was a little sadden that Moonbyul gave her a frighten look, but she understood it was only temporary. 'Moonbyul just need time away from the witch and her curse,' she thought. 'She will be herself again. She will look at me with that sweet smile again. She would be with me like before,' the woman smiled with her eyes opened wide. She walked slowly towards Moonbyul and asked Moonbyul some questions but receive no response. She gripped even tighter onto the taser, a tool that at least have some usefulness. She doesn't want to hurt Moonbyul that was why she tugged the knifes away. 'But taser won't hurt. Byul-Yi would just be asleep for a while' the woman smiled slightly at the thought. She wanted to be together with Moonbyul. She would treat Moonbyul like a goddess, she just need Moonbyul to stay by her side so she could make Moonbyul normal again.

With this determination she approached ever closer toward Moonbyul and pressed the taser against Moonbyul's side. Moonbyul gritted her teeth and let out a pained sound before falling onto the sofa. Moonbyul's phone slid away from her hand. As Moonbyul's vision became blurry, she could still hear Solar's voice calling out to her. She tried to reach for her phone to warn Solar. The woman slightly ran her hand on Moonbyul's hair and arm. Moonbyul felt a chill at the woman's touch. Moonbyul tried to call out to Solar but she couldn't find her voice. Her body felt heavy, slowly her vision vanished completely. When the woman heard Solar voice coming from the phone again, she picked it up, smiled evilly and threw it against the wall near the boy. At the boy reaction she laughed loudly. She laid her head down onto Moonbyul's arm and she felt a happiness and love that she never felt before. 'Finally we are together, I won't let you go' the woman smiled and closed her eyes to feel the bliss.

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