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seokjin made it to hoseok's quickly. when the door opened he felt his heart break a little. his usual happy, bright, energetic bestfriend looked so drained and depressed. he so badly wanted to take all of the problems he was going through and throw them away.

seokjin stepped into the house and took of his shoes. he followed the sad boy up to his and what used to be yoongi's room. hoseok slid in the bed and pulled up his hoodie. well it wasn't his hoodie, it was yoongi's, actually there were multiple clothes and things that belonged to yoongi that was scattered on the bed.

seokjin crawled in next to him and immediately pulled the crying boy into his arms. he whispered sweet things in the boys ear consoling him and reminding him that he was still technically with yoongi just not together. hoseok heart was hurting, he missed the nights where he and yoongi would just joke around or when he'd get yoongi to dance with him.

despite yoongi's so called laziness when really he just likes to sleep, lazy shouldn't even be in his descriptive words. he'd always end up saying yes and make up small dances with him because he could never say no to hoseok. he wanted to go back to those nights where they just held each other until they fell asleep. he missed feeling yoongi pull him closer and whine when he'd try to get up.

he missed when yoongi would cook for him, and the dinners they'd have. he even missed the boring days where they just sat around and did nothing. he missed it all. he was doing fine at first then as he was going through the closet to find his shoes, he found a small journal that was filled with small poems. almost all of them were about yoongi's love for hoseok.

he read the whole thing and cried while doing so. he wanted to call yoongi so bad but he knew he still hadn't done the thing that he set out to do, find himself. so now he just stared at the journal and regretted even breaking up with him in the first place.

yoongi was currently smoking his problems away. he didn't like smoking at all but when he did felt way better then what he would when he was sober. namjoon hated it when yoongi would smoke for two reasons, he never liked when people smoked period and when yoongi was high he'd eat up all the snacks in the pantry.

it may not have been a hard drug like meth or something. it was only weed but that still didn't make a difference, but if it was the only thing that calmed his bestfriends mind he'd allow it. he knew how stressed and depressed yoongi was and plus, if namjoon was stressed or mad enough he sometimes smoke as well so he had no place to get mad either.

yoongi was having a hard time though. he couldn't cry anymore, he was pretty sure that cried all of his tears out with his nonstop crying the first week. the only thing clouding his mind were the memories of him and hoseok. it was like a movie was constantly being played through out his head, from the moment they met to the last time they saw each other.

he wondered what hoseok was doing, he was hoping that he was happier than what he was right now. he was hoping that being away from him was making hoseok smile that pretty smile of his. as long as he was happy, that's all that mattered to him.

little did he know that being away from each other was tearing him apart piece by piece. he felt broken, like shattered glass and the only thing that could fix it was yoongi. but he knew he couldn't go back to him just yet. not until he heals himself.

he had to learn how to not have to have yoongi around him 24/7, he had to learn how to not count on yoongi to make him happy, to learn how feel things for himself, experience things for himself. until he did that, there was no going back.

yoongi needed to do the same. he found out very quickly that the only reason he was living was for hoseok. he needed to learn how to live for himself, how to see things with light but not have hoseok he the cause of it. he couldn't depend on hoseok all the time.

that's when they both had their epiphany, they had to change. it was for the best, they couldn't depend on each other anymore, it was time for them to get out of their slump and fix themselves. it may be hard but it would be for the best for them both.

both seokjin and namjoon were going to be there for them every step of the way. and to say that seokjin was surprised when they were eating the next day and hoseok randomly came out and said he wanted to dye his hair red. that was such a big change from brown straight to red.

but that's exactly what they did, that whole day consisted of them watching videos on how to properly bleach and dye hair. and with the help of seokjin and tips from brad mondo they did it. hoseok's hair was now bright red, and he loved it. he felt like a new person already.

yoongi started fishing, something he never thought he would like but now he does. to sit out and just fish with nothing but peace and quiet was calming. his mind felt at ease and the usual stabbing pain in his heart was slowly going away. he took the time that he was out fishing to meditate and clear his mind.

he felt at ease, yeah his heart still aches for hoseok but now he felt as if he was slowly making progress. hoseok finally smiled a completely genuine smile, it took almost 2 weeks and a half but he did it. he was happy, sort of.

it has been approximately 2 days since he dyed his hair. he stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself, his eyes weren't as puffy and his face wasn't swelling anymore. seokjin walked into the bathroom and stood behind hoseok, still trying to get used of the new color.

hoseok looked over at seokjin and his eyes landed on it. the purple marks on seokjin's neck. he was familiar with these marks, he had them a lot. he knew exactly what it was. a hickey. he turned around and faced seokjin. his eyes stared right at the mark as seokjin eyes him with a confused look on his face.

"why am i just noticing this hickey? when did you get it? and did y'all, you know?" hoseok asked making seokjin turn red...

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