Chapter 35

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Renee's POV

"I'll be back" I told will and he nodded. I headed towards the bathrooms where Maddie told us to meet. Everyone was there. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Devery told me the girls are gonna try to break everyone up" Maddie said quietly, but loud enough for us to hear it.

"Shouldn't we be out there then?" Judiann asked. We thought about it then rushed back out onto the stage.

"Hey I'm back" I said kissing Wills cheek.

"You didn't miss much, Laccie's still struggling." I looked over at Laccie and Will was right.

"Here follow me" I told her breaking down the moves into easier steps.

Judiann's POV

"So how's Sarah doing?" I asked David.

"Horrible." We both started laughing and she gave me a death look.

"Do you think we should help her?" I asked feeling kind of bad.

"Maybe we should, she'd make a fool of herself if she was in public." We laughed again and tried to help her learn the moves.

"This is harder than what you used to teach me." Sarah said sighing.

"That's all a part of growing up" David said patting her head. I chuckled a little but Sarah didn't seem to notice.

Kiara's POV

"Hey Cole can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked shortly after coming back from Maddie's urgent meeting.

"Sure what's up?"

"I think Cassie is gonna try to break us up.. Again."

"I know. I thought so too. Don't worry. I won't let anything happen because I love you and never want to lose you." He kissed me and we went back to Cassie. She seemed to be doing pretty well for a first time dancer.

Gabriela's POV

"OW!" I screamed. After the meeting thing I decided to help Aaliyah learn the dance.

"Are you okay?" Dana asked me.

"No. She stepped on my foot. What is that shoe made out of, 10 pounds of steel?!" I yelled, not meaning to yell at her.

"I'm sorry" she slightly mumbled.

"I'm sure she didn't mean to" Dana said. I checked my phone and it was 2 minutes until they left.

"Whatever" I walked away and a few minutes later Jill and Tracey escorted the girls and Devery away.

"Thank god!" I heard Katie mumbled as she walked off the stage.

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