Chapter 37

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*6 months later*

Third Person POV

The members of Young Wild Girls and IM5 have just completed their tour in Europe. All of them including Jill and Tracey are heading to the airport.

Maddie is still the only single one although her and Devery have been caught together numerous times during the tour. Is there something more than friendship there?

Dana's POV

I can't believe we just finished our European tour. It went by so fast even though we were there for a while.

"Are you excited to go home?!" Gabriela practically yelled in my ear.

"I think we all are." I said.

"I miss my bed" Gabe said.

"I miss my fridge." We all looked over at Will and started to laugh. We boarded the plane and flew back to L.A.

Cole's POV

When we finally landed in L.A. we were greeted by so many people. Some fans, some family. We got on our bus and headed back to my house. As soon as we all got in, we all received a text.
Tomorrow we will all meet in the music studio. I've invited your family to join us for a welcome back party. Be ready by 4:30. You will also be singing.

It was Jill who texted us. I'm actually pretty excited to see my family and everyone else's families.

Judiann's POV

"I didn't say this was okay" I said after I read the text from Jill.

"None of us did but I think is cool" Renee said.

"So do I" Will said, siding with Renee.

"I've never met your families before" I said to all of the guys.

"Well now you will and I think mine will adore you" David kissed my forehead and I sat down. I couldn't argue with them because they were all okay with it. I, on the other hand, was not..

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