The Tailed Beasts Summoning

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I held up my spear, but my hands were shaking. I closed my eyes waiting for the blow, but then I paused when I heard a clang sound instead. I looked and saw Itachi blocking Orochimaru with his own sword. "Itachi" hissed Orochimaru, as Itachi narrowed his eyes at him. "I will kill you for even trying to touch her" he growled, as Orochimaru chuckled. "If anything you should be thanking me after all your queen can summon her item now" said Orochimaru, as Itachi glanced back at me and I was breathing heavily with the spear still in my hand. Itachi then growled and started fighting Orochimaru. I bent down on my knees and narrowed my eyes. My vision was now all black, but I could still slightly move. Now the question was... what do I do now? I then sensed a rush of power in my right hand I slowly stood up and breathed one deep breath. I grabbed onto the rush of power and I felt something shape into my right hand. I then tried moving all my power into the shape. However, as I did the shape soon disbursed. "W-What happened?" I questioned, as I paused feeling a soft hand on my face. "Your highness?" questioned a voice, as I paused and tried to remember this voice. "Please... help" I wheezed, as I paused the hand moved from my face to my hands. I then paused feeling soft lips kissing my hands. "You are safe in my hands your highness" whispered the voice. Soon I heard a clash and then I paused when I was lifted bridal style. I was shaking and then paused as the same hand cupped my face. "You are safe your highness, the enemy has been taken care of" said the voice, as I nodded my head. "Thank you Utakata" said Itachi's voice, as Utakata handed me to Itachi. "Please keep a close on her, she has lost her vision because of the magic she was forced to use" said Utakata's voice, as I then felt a wind. "Jamie" whispered Itachi, as I then passed out in Itachi's arms.

With the Queen of Hearts she was sitting on her throne tapping her arm rest with each finger in a row. "Your highness" said Orochimaru slowly walking in and bowing on his knee. The Queen of Hearts growled. "YOU HAVE FAILED ME OROCHIMARU" she shouted, as he lowered his head in shame. "Forgive me, she was able to summon her tailed beast" said Orochimaru, as the Queen's eye widened. "YOU FOOL" she shouted banging her fist onto the table. The Queen of Hearts then turned her head and then stopped. "Wait... which one was able to summon the beast?" asked the Queen of Hearts, as Orochimaru looked at her. "The spades" he said, as the Queen of Hearts stood up and looked at him shocked. "IMPOSSIBLE I MADE HER MORTAL" she shouted, as the Queen of Hearts then snapped her fingers. Sasuke appeared and bowed before her. "Sasuke, you are the only one I can trust now... go find my sister... then... bring her here" said the Queen of Hearts, as Sasuke bowed his head and wondered off. "Is that wise your highness?" asked Orochimaru, as the Queen of Hearts glared down at him. "Sasuke would never betray me... never" she said, as Orochimaru smirked and nodded.

The next day I woke up and held my head. It was pulsing and aching. I soon got up and started walking around. I then looked seeing Alexis and Jenn fighting Kankuro and Jirayia. "Your up" said Kakashi, as I turned to him. "Itachi told me about the other night" he said, as I nodded slowly. He then narrowed his eyes and looked at my neck. "Hmm" he said, as I gulped when he leaned in closer. "Kakashi?" questioned Itachi walking over to us. "Itachi was this always here?" asked Kakashi pointing to the spade mark in my neck. Itachi paused and then his eyes widened. "When did that sick disgusting snake touch you?" asked Itachi holding onto my arm. "No wait" I said, as he paused and both Itachi and Kakashi looked at me. "A woman with brown hair and one eye gave it to me... it prevents me from using magic" I said, as they both stopped in their tracks not moving. "Jamie" said Itachi, as I lightly touched my neck and turned my head. "I... remember how I lost my powers and memory" I said, as Itachi and Kakashi looked at each other. "You remember everything?" asked Itachi, as I shook my head. "No just how I lost my powers and being banished" I said, as Itachi slowly nodded my head. "Uchiha" said Sasori, as Itachi turned his head looking at him. Sasori narrowed his eyes and turned his head slightly. Itachi's eyes widened and he turned to Kakashi. "I'll be back, keep her safe" said Itachi, as Kakashi nodded his head. I eyed Itachi walking away with Sasori and turned to Kakashi. "What's going on?" I asked, as Kakashi sighed. "Your highness I suggest we listen to Itachi on this one" said Kakashi, as I nodded slowly and started walking with Kakashi. However, I couldn't help but glance back at where Itachi and Sasori were going.

I sat next to Kakashi and watch Alexis and Jenn still trying to use their magic. "THIS BITES" shouted Alexis, as everyone sighed. I then paused and my eyes widened feeling something go by. I turned my head and looked around. This aura wasn't as evil like before... no it was more... familiar than anything. "AH" shouted Alexis, as I turned my head towards her seeing she had tripped. Kakashi got up to help her, along with Jirayia. I was about to go as well, but my mouth was covered and I was pulled away. I somehow managed back into the very forest the hole appeared in. I growled and bit the hand that was covering my mouth. "AH DAMN IT" shouted a voice. I summoned my spear and spun towards the person who dragged me away. I then stopped seeing Sasuke standing in front of me. I was breathing heavily standing there and Sasuke narrowed his eyes at me. "By order of the Queen of Hearts, you are to come with me immediately" said Sasuke, as I narrowed my eyes. "By order of The Queen of Spades, FUCK OFF" I shouted running towards Sasuke. Sasuke pulled out his halberd. We clanged our weapons against each other trying to fight each other off. My strength was leaving me and fast. I had no clue what I was going to do next. "LOOK OUT" shouted a voice, as my eyes widened when a green blur jumped in front of me and then tried to kick Sasuke. Sasuke slid back and glared at the green blur. "GOT YA" shouted another voice, as I paused seeing a yellow haired blur trying to attack Sasuke. Sasuke then jumped up and glared at us from tree branch. "This is not over" said Sasuke retreating. I sighed and sat on my butt sighing in relief. I then paused as the two figures laughed. I looked up at them and then paused seeing Rock Lee dressed as a bunny and Naruto dressed like the mad hatter. "You've gotten weaker your highness" laughed Naruto, as I smiled greatly at them. "Thanks for saving me" I said, as they smiled greatly. "No problem. I'm Lee Hare and this is Naruto Hatter" smiled Lee, as Naruto gloomed and I smiled. "Must you use hose embarrassing names?" asked Naruto, as Lee shrugged. "We've missed you at our tea parties your highness" said Lee, as I paused. "Tea parties?" I asked "The Tailed Beast Tea Parties" said Naruto, as I stopped and looked at them shocked. "Did you forget?" asked Lee, as I slowly nodded my head. "Well come to the Tea Party and we will re-inform you" said Naruto, as I nodded my head. I was escorted to a large tea party and in each chair I saw stuff animals of each of the nine tailed beasts. "This is where the queens used to laugh and play" said Lee, as I looked at him. "Together they formed a pack with each of the tails that they would be friend with the beasts forever, and then in return to beasts promised to protect the queens forever as well" said Naruto, as I paused. "What about you Naruto?" I asked, as Naruto smiled happily. "The beasts choose the queens that are most close to their souls" said Naruto, as I looked at the table and then stopped as an image of four small girls playing tea appeared in my head.

To Be Continued...

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