Jenn - The Queen of Clubs

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*Jenn's POV*

"This is bad" said Sasori, as I turned to look at him. "What is it?" I asked, as Sasori narrowed his eyes. "Itachi's soul has been sucked out" said Sasori, as my eyes widened. "EHH" shouted Alexis. "How can you tell?" I asked, as Sasori pointed towards Jamie and Itachi. "Itachi's eyes are out of focus, he can't tell what is enemy or friend. Not only that, he is struggling with his body movements. Half of him recognises Jamie, but the other half doesn't" said Sasori, as I narrowed my eyes. I then paused as I could make out a faint blue string coming from Itachi's body. I ran towards where the strings were coming from. "JENN" shouted Sasori following me, as we made our way to the outskirts of the town. I then looked up in a tree seeing a woman with brown hair and one brown eye. "So... your the one who made Jamie mortal" I said, as she stopped and smirked looking down at me. "Well, well, well, it's been a long time Jenn" she said looking down at me. I narrowed my eyes and stood still. "Give back his soul" I said, as she laughed. "I forgot how funny you could be dear old friend" she said, as I growled. "Jenn... be careful that's the queen of hearts" whispered Sasori, as I sighed and then held out my rose towards her. She laughed again and held out her red rose. I tisked my head and then paused as she shot out red petals towards me. "WATCH OUT" shouted Sasori, as he pushed me out of the way and I looked at him breathing heavily. "Careful... her powers are way more powerful than before... even more than the spades" he whispered, as I eyed him and then looked at the queen of hearts smirking. I honestly didn't want to get into this stupid fight... but it angered me that she would take someone's soul just because she was lonely. Lonely? Wait a minute... how... did I know she was lonely? I put my rose away and glared up at her. "Oi, I have a question for you?" I said, as she smirked evilly towards me. "What?" she asked seeming a bit interested. "Are we... did we..." I was trying to say, as she hpmhed and flicked her hair. "If you must know... we used to be best friends... before you married the puppet... actually that's how your ace and king knew about their puppet string power was because of you. Although I did end up stealing from you as well" she said, as my eyes widened and I growled. I grinded my teeth and then I held out a blue rose. "Oi Jenn" said Sasori, as I smirked and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry... I got this" I whispered, as he nodded. "SLEEP SPELL" I shouted waving the blue rose, but the queen of hearts jumped up and shot out her red rose towards me. "SOUL RELEASE" she shouted, as my eyes widened. I dodged and then growled glaring up at her while she was laughing. "Well that's enough fun for now... I'm sure Itachi has killed Jamie off by now anyway" she said vanishing. My eyes widened more and I turned my head towards the tournament's direction. "SASORI" I shouted, as he nodded and we ran back towards the tournament.

*Jamie's POV*

I was breathing heavily, and my whole body was in pain. I was bleeding from my head to me toe. Itachi was standing in front of me and I could see tears crawling down his face. "JAMIE" shouted Jenn, as I looked at her seeing her breathing heavily. "Itachi's under a spell cast by the queen of hearts" she said, as I paused and then smirked. "In that case" I whispered, as I slowly walked over to Itachi. He sliced my cheek with a kunai and I took another step. He then sliced my leg with more kunai forcing me to take another step. "JAMIE STOP" shouted Alexis, as I smiled and wrapped my arms around Itachi's neck, as I did Itachi stabbed another kunai into my arm. "JAMIE" screamed Jenn and Alexis "Forgive me... maybe if I remembered more of you... this would never have happened" I whispered, as I softly kissed his lips. Itachi's eyes changed back to normal and he looked at me shocked. "J-Jamie" he whispered, as I smiled at him. I then passed out and closed my eyes. Jenn soon ran over when the match was finished and sprinkled pink rose petals all over me. "There everything has healed... just let her rest" said Jenn, as Alexis turned to Itachi. Itachi had tears crawling down his face and for the longest time... everything went quiet.

*Jenn's POV* 

I healed Jamie's wounds, but I could tell Itachi was hating himself. I sighed and walked over to him. He was sitting on a rock by the lake. "You know... she doesn't hate you for what you did" I said, as he paused and glanced at me. "How would you know?" asked Itachi, as I smirked and closed my eyes. "She's... not that kind of girl. Heck... she goes to great lengths just to make sure me and my sister get along... if anything... you... make her happier" I said, as Itachi stopped and looked at me surprised. "Jenn" he said, as I smirked towards him and punched the back of his head. "Snap out of it already Uchiha... besides... we need you if we ever hope to dethrone the queen of hearts" I said, as Itachi smirked and closed his eyes. "Sasori indeed chose wisely with you" he said, as I smirked and stuck my tongue out at him. "I know right" I said, as I blushed when arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head seeing Sasori smiling at me. "Come on time for sleep" he whispered, as I smiled and nodded my head. On the ground I was sleeping by the fire with Alexis sleeping on my shoulder. I soon slowly drifted to sleep


"Jenn come on" said a five year old little girl with brown hair and eyes. I smiled and started running after her. We soon stopped and saw the sun setting. "Hey Jenn" said the girl, as I stopped and looked at her smiling at me. "Yeah" I asked, as she hugged me and I looked at her shocked. "We'll be best friends forever right?" she asked, as I paused blinking a few times. "Of course Alice" I said, as she smiled brighter. I looked at her looking at the sun setting and then held her hand. "What's wrong?" I asked, as she smiled sadly at me. "Mommy and daddy are going to have another baby... they won't love me anymore" she said, as I sighed and pouted. "Alice my mommy and daddy are having another baby too... they will still love us" I said, as I paused seeing her crying. "What if they don't?" she asked, as I paused and hugged her. "Then we move away together" I said, as Alice paused blinking a few times and then nodded her head.

*End of Dream*

I shot up gasping and then held my head. I growled and then paused when a hand cupped my face. I looked seeing Sasori looking at me with concern. I grabbed his hand and walked away from the others. We walked towards a lake. "What's wrong?" asked Sasori, as I turned to him. "Who's Alice?" I asked, as Sasori stopped and then turned his head. I watched him seeing him trying to figure out how to tell me. "The queen of hearts" he said, as I stopped and then turned my head seeing the sun rising. I turned back towards Sasori seeing him still quiet. "What... What was she to me?" I asked, as Sasori sighed and then placed his hands on my shoulders. "You don't need to remember that right now" he said, as I narrowed my eyes towards him. "Sasori... I'm never one to use power over people, but in this case. I queen of clubs order you Sasori king of clubs to tell me what my relationship is between the queen of hearts" I said, as Sasori paused and he sighed hanging his head. He avoided eye contact with me while biting his lip and then lowered his head one more time. "Sasori-"She's your best friend" said Sasori interrupting me. I then stopped and looked at him shocked. "My... what?" I asked, as Sasori raised his head and looked at me serious. Was that the reason my heart was a bit empty? Was that why I knew she was lonely? I sighed and then blushed when Sasori kissed my lips forcefully. I looked at him shocked and soon he broke the kiss looking at me seriously again. "Jenn... I know you better than anyone. So... please don't do anything reckless" he said, as I smirked and then hugged him tightly. "Baka, I'm not like Alexis or Jamie. But thank you. I... love you Sasori" I whispered, as Sasori stopped a bit but then tightened his own hug around me. "Uh, gross" said a voice, as we sighed and turned our heads seeing Deidara and Alexis. "What's up?" I asked, as Alexis looked at Deidara. "The CC card is around here" said Deidara, as I narrowed my eyes. "Let's go" I said, as everyone nodded.

To Be Continued...

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