Alexis - The Queen of Diamonds

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Itachi guided me back inside and I laid in one of the futons while Itachi laid in the next one. "Itachi" I said, as he looked at me. "Yeah?" he questioned "Well you know how Shisui was the Mad hatter?" I questioned, as he paused. "Yeah" he said "Well what about Naruto?" I asked, as Itachi smirked and closed his eyes. "Oh that. Naruto is the recent Mad Hatter. Shisui was the Mad hatter before him until he retired" said Itachi, as I blinked a few times. "Retire? Why?" I asked, as I blushed when Itachi pulled me closer and nuzzled his head close to mine. "Never mind that, I'm jealous" he whispered, as I stopped and looked at him shocked. "Why?" I asked, as I blushed when he pulled off my blankets and pulled me under his. "Because we're finally alone and your mind is wondering far away" he whispered, as I blushed more and then smiled a bit feeling Itachi's warm while hugging me close. "I miss this" he whispered, as I smiled and hugged him back. "I will remember Itachi, I promise" I whispered, as he smirked and kissed my forehead. "I know" he said, as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

*Alexis POV*

I shot up out of my futon and woke up to the sounds of shouting. I looked around seeing Deidara gone and the sun beaming down through the open back door. "Deidara?" I questioned, as I stood up and walked towards the backyard. I peeked through the back, but couldn't see anything through the steam. "Dei-dara?" I questioned again, but still no answer. I took a few steps and squinted trying to make my vision better, but no such luck. "Alexis?" questioned a voice, as I jumped and turned my head seeing Deidara. However, I soon blushed like a tomato seeing Deidara wet and in a towel. I turned around and held my hand to my heart trying to calm down. "Alexis you okay?" asked Deidara "Yeah, I'm fine. I just... couldn't find you" I said, as I blushed again imaging Deidara in his towel. I shook my head vigorously and then stopped feeling steam coming from behind me. My eyes widened as Deidara hugged me close from behind. "Please don't hate me Alexis, I have been trying so hard for you not to" he whispered, as I paused when my throat got stuck. I couldn't speak and worst of all my knees were shaking. "I don't know what I'd do if you hated me" he whispered some more. "P-please... don't" I mumbled, as Deidara stopped and slowly let me go. I sighed in relief and turned my head to see Deidara walking away. I paused and held my arm. For some reason, I felt like I just did something really bad. After lunch Deidara and I seemed far apart, and it was kind of driving me mad. We were walking and we stopped into a middle of a field. "What are we doing here?" I asked, as Deidara glanced at me. "We have to train for our ultimate techniques" said Deidara, as I blinked a few times. "Uh, okay" I said, as I jumped when hearing a blasting sound. I looked at Deidara when he tisked his head to the side. "Looks like the Spades are a step ahead" said Deidara, as I smiled and grabbed Deidara's hand leading him towards Jamie and Itachi. "Alexis?" questioned Deidara, as I paid him no mind, but kept pulling him along. We soon stopped and my eyes widened seeing a large crater in the ground. "Whoa" I said, as I looked seeing Jamie breathing heavily with one eye closed. "JAMIE" I shouted, as she paused and turned towards me. She walked over to me and Itachi stood next to her. "So your already training huh?" I asked, as she nodded. "Yeah, it's a lot tougher than it looks" she said, as I looked at her spear in her hands and also a sword in the other. "Why do you have the sword?" I asked, as I paused when Deidara growled and Itachi chuckled. "Your supposed to fuse the Queen's item and the King's item together. It's difficult because you need to have the same wave length when trying to fuse" said Jamie, as I smiled. "That sounds like fun" I said, as Jamie smiled while closing her eyes. "Yeah you would think that" she said, as I puffed my cheeks. "So what? It does sound like fun" I said, as Jamie smirked towards me. "Well at least it will be easier for you" she said, as Deidara and Itachi stopped and looked at us. "Why is that?" asked Itachi, as Jamie smirked towards me and I blushed and turned my head. "Shush" I said, as Jamie giggled and walked away with Itachi. I sighed and walked away and I paused noticing Deidara lowering his head. "Hey" I said, as he paused and looked at me. "What's wrong?" he asked, as I walked towards him. "I could ask you that... what happened? You've been gloomy ever since this morning" I said, as Deidara glanced away. I paused and then started growling. I grabbed his shirt and Deidara looked at me surprised. "Look, I don't know what I did, but don't break up with me because I can't remember... you. I... really like you" I said, as tears slowly started running down my face. Deidara then cupped my face. Deidara smiled and I blushed when he started purring in my ear. "I love you Alexis" he whispered, as I blushed and I paused as blood started dripping from my nose. "AH CRAP" I shouted, as Deidara chuckled and placed a handkerchief to my nose. I paused and looked up at him. "Now I know you don't hate me" he said, as I blinked a few times. I then paused remembering something.

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