The Truth About The Cards

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"JAMIE" shouted Itachi's voice, as the three of us stopped and turned our heads towards the voice. "His highness must not realize that your safe" said Rock Lee, as I nodded my head. "Let's go then" said Naruto, as the two of them escorted me towards Itachi. I soon paused seeing Itachi on the ground not moving. "Forgive me your highness, I should have been watching her more closely" said Kakashi, as Itachi kept quiet with his head still lowered. I then paused looking at him desperately clinging to the ground. I lowered my head a bit seeing how much he was in love with me. I couldn't help but feel guilty that I couldn't even have one single memory of how we even came together. "I-Itachi" I softly spoke, as he stopped and his eyes widened shocked. He looked up at me and then hugged me tightly. "Thank god" he whispered, as I blushed feeling the warmth of his hug. It was nice and relaxing. When he released me he then punched my head. "Ow, what was that for?" I asked glaring at him and then stopped seeing his fists shaking. "Don't ever let your guard down EVER" he shouted, as I paused and slowly nodded my head. "Kakashi go tell everyone she's safe" said Itachi, as Kakashi nodded and vanished quickly. "Good to see you in high spirits your highness" smirked Naruto, as we all looked at him shocked when he bowed his head. "Thank you Naruto, Lee, the spades kingdom owes you a great deal" he said, as they smiled nervously. "No need it was an honour seeing the queen of spades again" said Lee bowing his head. I smiled and bowed towards them as well. "Yes, indeed thank you. Once each kingdom has returned. I promise to reward you both" I said, as they paused and then smiled towards me. "Thank you, your highness" they said, as I paused when they both reached out handing me on card. I took it and looked down at the card seeing Naruto in one and Lee in the other. I looked back up towards them, but they were gone? "Jamie" said Itachi, as I turned towards him. My eyes then widened as he hugged me again. "Forgive me" he whispered, as I smiled sadly and hugged him back. "There's nothing to forgive... I just wish I could remember something about us" I whispered, as he let go slightly and smiled towards me. "Oi Uchiha" said a voice, as we turned our heads seeing Sasori and Jenn walking towards us. "What's up?" asked Itachi "We got information on the two ultimate cards" said Sasori, as Itachi's eyes widened. "Well?" he asked, as Sasori closed his eyes. "The WR card is being offered as a rewards for a fighting contest" said Sasori, as Itachi narrowed his eyes. "And the CC card?" he asked, as Sasori narrowed his eyes. "Last time we checked... it will be in the same town as the WR card" he said, as I paused and looked at them back and forth. "WR? CC?" I whispered to Jenn, as she shrugged. "No clue, they didn't tell me and I didn't ask" she said, as I sighed and held my head. "Let's go" said Itachi, as I pulled on his sleeve. He stopped and looked back at me. "Can you tell me what's going on?" I asked, as Itachi stopped and turned towards Sasori nodding his head for them to go. We sat down on a stump in the forest and he closed his eyes while raising his head in the air. "We're going to start a war" he said, as I stopped and my eyes widened. "W-what?" I asked, as he looked at me from the side. "Jamie... what you heard about your so called playing cards from earth is false. Yes the weapons and stuff we carry in the pictures are true, but the order of power is way off" he said, as I just kept quiet.

"The queens are the most power-fullest cards. They control the balance of power, life, strength, and of course magic. The kings help the queens contain their magic and power so it's distributed peacefully among the people. The aces are meant to protect the queens if a high powered source ever threatened them. The summoning of beasts are much too powerful and valuable to be associated with the cards that’s why they were never placed in one. However, the summoning of beasts is only a last resort. The jacks are meant to keep the peace between the people and the kingdoms" said Itachi, as I nodded. "And the WR and CC cards?" I asked, as he stopped and looked at me. "Uh. Well take Naruto and Lee for example. Normally, they aren't cards at all, but in times like this they gave you their spirit soul cards to play if you ever need help. That's what the WR and CC cards are" he said, as I looked down at the Naruto and Lee card. "Hey... Itachi" I said, as he looked at me. "Why... why did you fall in love with me?" I asked, as he stopped and then smirked while leaning in close towards me. As he did I blushed and then I jumped a bit when he cupped my face. "Honestly... you were the only girl to ever kick my ass in a fight" he said, as my eyes widened. "W-WHAT?!" I shouted, as he chuckled and stood up. "What do you mean?" I asked, as he started walking away from me. "Oi Itachi, don't walk away from me" I said, as he smirked and I growled while following him. We made our way towards the out skirts of Wonderland. Apparently it used to be called Toy land before it was split into the diamond and club kingdoms. Alexis, Jenn, Deidara, Sasori, Itachi and I had stopped in the middle of a crowd to see some kind of tournament. "Alright the three of us will enter and you girls stay here" said Deidara, as Jenn and I narrowed our eyes towards him. "Oh?" said Jenn "You saying we can't win against you?" she asked, as I smirked while the both of us crossed our arms. "Uh, Jenn, Jamie don't he's trying to be nice" said Alexis, as we glared at her and she jumped a bit. "Oi, Sasori, Itachi help me out here" said Deidara, as Sasori sighed. "Jenn, you can't use your poison here, there is no sense you fighting these weaklings who can't take it" said Sasori, as Jenn smiled and hugged Sasori. "Aw, Sasori you know just what to say" she said, as Alexis and I sighed and sweat dropped. Itachi walked over to me and I looked up at him. "I'm not going to be able to stop you... am I?" he asked, as I paused looking up at him. "N-no" I said, as he smirked and cupped my face. "I guess that's why your the fighting queen" he whispered causing me to blush. "Oi Uchiha" said Deidara, as Itachi grabbed my hand and the four of us made our way to the fighting ring. As I stood there I paused and looked around... something about this feeling... seemed familiar.

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