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i miss you

i miss you too


i wasn't expecting a response

can we talk?

yes oh my god please yes

i'm sorry for everything i said & did

there was a lot of stuff i did out of spite
bc i was angry or annoyed at someone and
took it out on the entire friend group but
especially you in a way because of who i was
hanging out with and i shouldn't have drifted
from you and found other people when you've
been there through all of my shit with me and
you're literally me favourite person ever just
don't tell zach , i'm sorry for it all

i'm sorry for what i said too, i only
said it because i felt like i was being
replaced by amber, i didn't mean anything
i said and i know you'd never intentionally
try put me in a bad place, i just felt like you
were replacing me bc the friend group were
trying to get rid of you, i didn't want any of
to happen rlly

and i'm sorry for the things i said behind your
back too, i know you didn't know about that but
i wanna say sorry for what i said to the friend group
when you weren't around, again i was just annoyed
and jealous

yeah, i wasn't trying to replace you but
after one of my arguments with zach i went
and hung out with ethan's group and i put that
as the caption to piss people off on purpose,
it wasn't because i wanted to replace you

it's not really an excuse because stress
shouldn't mean hurting other people but i just
got so stressed trying to balance everything
and when so many people were expecting
so much from me at once it was hard to not
let them down, so in result the group kinda
got the bad side of that

no no i get that, i know how you
are when you're stressed, you break down

yeah and i took it out on people i shouldn't
have and so i'm sorry for that

i'm also sorry for not reaching out when
you needed me, i fucked up a lot and i'm
sorry but i'm trying to be better and sort
everything out

i'm trying to change

please don't change

listen u don't need to change ok? i'm
sure everyone understands ur stressed
and honestly the fact that ur trying to fix it
is enough for them to know u still care, dont
change urself

but i feel bad bc i rlly upset them

yeah but ur apologising and owning up
to it and i'm sure they'll appreciate that

i forgive u and i'm sure zach will forgive u
and we're the two main people who got
hurt the most so the others will be fine

zach forgave me

oh u talked to him already?

yeah i facetimed him just before replying to u
bc darcie gave me a whole therapy session on

aw that's good🥺

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