Chapter 7

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                             was all a dream? NOOO?! It was sooo wonderful! But...but NOOOOO!! "NO! Noo!" It, it felt so real! I felt his suit when I hugged him! I start to cry.I got up and took a shower. Maybe it was just a dream.

Maybe it was just a dream....then how can I remember every detail?!

(Tiiiiiime Skip!!)

I get out of the bus to school. I notice something. It was the same monster when I met the Doctor. I wait by the same place where the monster was used to stand a while back. For some reason I felt like a hero. Going to save the earth. The bloody monster came closer to me. I here a wheezing sound. I smile," hey! Big chubby monster! Come closer!" I walk slowly backwards. Think....think! What would the Doctor do! What would the Doctor do?! I grab a nearby folding chair. I throw it at it. It roars. Come on come on Doctor! I hear a shout behind the monster " JESS TRY TO BLIND THE EYE! THATS THEIR WEAKNESS!" I look around. Nothing but dust and dirt from kids shoes. I huff. I jump the stairs. " Hey thing! Come closer-er!" As it get closer I jump on its back. I starts spinning in rage. I could see the doctor getting closer. I felt dizzy then I fell. Everything turns dark. I wake up in Bed. Not my bedroom. I walk around. I open the door. A hallway leads to the center. I look around. oh I'm in the TARDIS. At least I didn't wake up in my bedroom again." Doctor?" I yell," HELLO? DOCTOR? YA THERE?"

"Ahhh! You don't have to say that! I'm right here!" I run over and hug him." What happened? How did I get in my bedroom?"

"Well um you fainted, and I went to your house."

"Ok....not the brightest idea." I mumble." Hey! I could tell you were getting tired in the first place! You need rest."

"Yeah? And wake up, and your not there? I was thinking it was a dream! I thought I never met you Doctor! I thought it was a dream....."  I cry a bit. I hug him and he hugs back." Sorry, Jess I was stupid."

I brush my tears off." Sooo ummm what happened when I fainted?"

"Ohh I just talked to it for awhile. And I told him to leave the human race alone, And stuff and It left."

"Oh. So we didn't have to blind it."

"Nope. Yep, just found a different plan."

"Well, I'm tired Doctor."

"Oh, here how about you take the guest room." He leads me to a fair sized room. "Thanks Doctor. You should get some rest Doc."

"Well um I guess I haven't slept in awhile."

I wave goodnight and close my door. I put my glasses in one of the shelves. I look up to see a pocket watch. I grab it.
Open it Open it Open it Open it

Huh I think I've seen this in an episode once....but I forgot what it does....Hmmm let's try it. I open the watch.

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