Chapter 3

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:No one pov:
When they reached the room they were staying in they put their stuff down and changed into their volleyball clothes, Hinata started to whimper because he also wanted to play but he was to young.

Suga picked him up and calmed him down while walking to the gym. When everyone got to the gym Coach Ukai called everyone around he told them they would be doing practice matches everyday. Suga handed Hinata to Kiyoko and went to go stretch

:Kiyoko pov:
When Suga handed Hinata to me he started to cry saying "mama mama", I tried giving him food to calm down and he did so I set him down on the ground to play.

He was happy crawling around but then an idea came into my head, "What if I taught him how to walk and talk??"

I asked Yachi about it and she agreed, I went to coach and told him about my idea. He agreed so we took Hinata to the managers room and started class.

:Yachi pov:
When we got to the manager room Kiyoko started with "Hi Shoyou I'm Kiyoko and this is Yachi" I waved to him he waved back with a confused face, I laughed and told what waving meant. We then started teaching him the names of Karasuno's volleyball team.

~Time skip to dinner~

:No one pov:
Kiyoko and Yachi brought Hinata to the eating room, he crawled to Suga and Daichi yelling "MAMA PAPA." Daichi and Suga looked at Hinata with shocked faces then ran to him and gave him lots of hugs, they then brought him to the table to eat.

Hinata tried to use his baby fork to eat rice but he could barely pick up any rice. He tugged on Sugas shirt pointing at his food then his mouth asking for help, Suga helped him eat then when everyone finished they went to the showers.

Everyone fought about who was going to shower him, they decided to let Hinata pick, Hinata then crawled over to Nishinoya.

:Nishinoya pov:
When Hinata crawled over to me I felt like the chosen one, the all mighty. Everyone was staring at me in jealousy and I just laughed, I took hinata to the shower to wash his hair.

His hair was very fluffy, as I washed his hair he kept saying random words like "Hi, look, mama, hungwy," it was pretty funny. I told him to close his eyes as I washed out the soap, I then took him to the bath everyone was happy to be with him again

Hinata tried to climb out of the tub but kept falling, eventually we all got out and went to our room. Hinata was already tired so Suga gave Hinata a bottle of milk and his pacifier and Hinata fell asleep.

: Suga pov:
Everyone watched cute baby Hinata sleep, they were all taking pictures and saying "awwww he's so cute, adorable, and bootiful." Hinata began to stir around and whine at all the noise.

Daichi told them to be quiet and go to sleep. That night Hinata slept with me just to be safe, he was just so adorable I watched him as I feel asleep with him in my arms.

~Time Skip to morning~

:No one pov:
Hinata woke up trying to wake up Suga but he wouldn't wake up, Hinata then decided to walk out of the room he made his way to the eating room.

He sat down on a chair waiting for someone to come. Eventually Oikawa and Iwaizumi came and saw him, Oikawa went over to him asking where Suga or Daichi was? Hinata said "they sleep"

: Oikawa pov:
When Iwa- Chan and I got to the eating room we found a tiny Hinata sitting at a table, I asked him where his caretakers were and he told me they were sleeping.

I asked if he wanted food and he nodded, Iwa-Chan got him some milk while I sliced up some bananas.

He looked really excited to eat the bananas, after I gave them to him I got myself some tea and sat at the table with him. I attempted to talk to him but he could only say little words.

:Daichi pov:
I woke up to Suga looking all over the place desperately, I asked what was wrong and he told me Hinata was missing. Everyone soon ran around looking for him.

Yamaguchi then found him with the Aoba Johsai caption and there ace. Suga
and the rest of the team got there out of breath and sighed when they found him.

Iwaizumi then looked at Oikawa and punched him in the head saying "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL THEM SHOYOU WAS HERE???", Oikawa was like "But Iwa-Chan he was so cute I just wanted to keep him to myself" Hinata then started laughing.

: Hinata pov:
When they found me I stated laughing because they were being funny, I just held out my arms to Suga and he took me to the room to get ready. 

I tried telling him about how he didn't wake up when I shook him, but it just sounded like a bunch of weird noises. After I was finished getting ready they took to the managers room so I could start learning again. 

(910 words)

Hey guys sorry for the last 2 chapters being really short I will make them longer from now on please enjoy the story!!

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