Chapter 23

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: Suga pov:
When I woke up I saw Shoyou sleeping next to me, I was happy because we don't hang out as much anymore.

I moved a little bit and he woke up, he looked up at me rubbing his eyes. He said "Good Morning mama" I said "Good Morning Shoyou."

I got up and got dressed then got Shoyou dressed, we then went to the eating room and sat at one of the tables. Shoyou was still half asleep and was laying his head down on the table, I got some juice and cereal for us.

When he saw the cereal he quickley woke up, he gobbled down the cereal and we just talked. A few minutes later more people were coming in and sitting down, soon everyone was here.

They ate and then we all went to the gym,  when we got Shoyou asked the coaches if he could play with us. Coach Ukai agreeded and we went in a practice game with Date Tech.

Shoyou was not in the staring line up but he waiting on the side like a sub. So if we needed him we could sub someone out for him.

Date Tech served first, Nishinoya recevied it and Kageyama set it to Tanaka. Tanaka spiked the ball but it was blocked by Date Tech's iron wall.

Next up to serve was Yamaguchi, he did jump float serve. We were lucky and it hit Date Tech's side, this went on for awhile until they subbed Shoyou in? I don't know why but he was subbed for Tsukki to serve.

We all watched Shoyou worried, it might be too much pressure because it is almost game point.

When Shoyou stood to serve he had a smile on his face? We watched him expecting for a kiddy under hand serve but we were gravely wrong.

When he served it was a jump serve like Kageyama's?!? We all looked shocked, even the other games froze and watched Shoyou gain us a point.

The only thing I noticed while he served was that he was smiling the whole time. After a few minutes of silence evened started cheering and asking questions.

Shoyou just smiled at them and said "the game is still going on, come on guys let's play!"

We just nodded and he served again, he got another point because his serve looked like it was going to  go straight but instead of just going straight out fell downwards. (Almost like a jump float serve)

Date Tech couldn't reach the ball in time so we got a point, just 3 more points until it was game point. Shoyou got all those points for us, by this time we were VERY lost.

When the game was over everyone (including the coaches) rushed over to him and was asking him questions. He just looked at everyone while putting his finger to his lips and said "It's a secret."

Everyone was confused but just went on with the games, Shoyou didn't play alot so he just observed everything we did. He even copied some of our moves sometimes.

: Hinata pov:
After I shocked using my moves they bombarded me with questions, I just told them that it was a secret.

After that I didn't play alot so I observed them, I watched very carefully at everything they did. Sometimes I would copy their moves and see if it could with.

After 3 more games it was lunch time, I ran to the eating room and we were having a barbecue! Outside I spotted Kageyama, Nishinoya, and Tanaka doing a meat dance so I joined them.

People just laughed and took videos, the coaches told us that we had the rest of the day off today.

Everyone cheered and ate happily, I sat with the mangers at first because they were calm. It got bored after awhile and went to go sure with Karasuno.

They were very calm but crazy, I had fun but then the managers brought out watermelon! I love watermelon, I was happily eating my watermelon when I saw Lev do something SUPER DUPER cool!

I ran over to him and asked how he did that he just said "what this?" And spit the seeds of the watermelon like a gun!

I ran over to him and asked how he did that he just said "what this?" And spit the seeds of the watermelon like a gun!

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yelled "yes!" And he showed me, I tried it but failed. After eating everyone went off to do their own thing, I went to the gym to play Uno with Nishinoya, Tanaka, Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa, and Lev.

The game went on for 2 hours! Until Bokuto finally won the game, by then it was dark outside and everyone except Bokuto were sulking as they walked to the eating room.

For dinner we had yakisoba and for dessert we had taiyaki! It was super yummy, I really love taiyaki.

After dinner we went to go shower and get changed. This time my futon was placed between Enoshita and Tanaka.

I said goodnight to everyone and fell asleep, I was really excited for tomorrow's practice with Teru!

(879 words)

Hi! For those of you that don't know Taiyaki is a fish shaped pastry with either custard, chocolate, or sweet potato paste inside. Yakisoba is fried noodles with vegetables mixed in with it. They are both really good!

Meat dance ☝

Meat dance ☝

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Taiyaki ☝

Yakisoba ☝

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Yakisoba ☝

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