Chapter 29

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*Next chapter will be my last chapter😭 But I will be making a Halloween special on Halloween!*

: Hinata pov:
When I woke up I could tell that I was taller than before, when I walked to the door I could reach the door knob way better then before.

I opened the door quietly and ran to the bathroom, I knew that everyday I was getting a little bit taller but this was way taller.

I could actually see part of my head in the mirror, I'm guessing I am about 9 I even got some more memories.

In the memories it was probably about his elementary school years, they were really happy and cheerful.

After I checked myself in the mirror I went back to the room, that's when I realized none of my clothes fit me anymore!

I put my blanket around myself and ran to the mangers room. When I got there I knocked and no one answered, I knocked again and this time Kiyoko answered.

She looked surprised to see me (probably because I was taller now), I waved at her and told her that I needed bigger clothes.

She smiled and told me to come inside, she told me that when I was smaller she bought bigger clothes for me just in case something like this happened.

She gave me a forest green shirt with words "I ❤ volleyball" on it and black sweatpants. I went to the bathroom and changed into them, when I was done I thanked her and left.

This time I went to the coaches room, luckily they were already awake. I knocked and Coach Nekomata answered (Nekoma's coach), he led me inside and I told them what happened.

They nodded and I told them I needed at least 2 more pairs of clothes, Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei then offered me to come with them later today when they were going to buy the sparklers for tomorrow.

I agreeded and thanked them, then I left to the eating room to go get cereal. A few moments later Tanaka walked into the eating room and screamed like a little girl.

I tried telling him to "shh" before we woke up more people, sadly it was too late everyone was already awake and in the eating room.

When they saw me there jaws dropped, it was pretty funny. They bombarded me with questions and I answered, thankfully Coach Ukai saved me by saying that its time to go.

I waved bye to everyone as we left, my shoes barely fit me anymore (T^T). We walked through all the tiny shops that were on the side of the roads, we also stopped by a thrift store for me.

We got shoes and some clothes then we went to the mall to get sprinklers! We went to the firework shop and bought 10 packets of sparklers, they each had 5 sprinklers inside.

On our way back we got ice cream for ourselves, Coach Ukai also got some stuff for himself.

Meanwhile back at the training camp........

: No one pov:
Instead of practicing everyone was thinking of fun things to do with Shoyou, some thought of baking or playing video games. Then Kuroo came up with the idea of a water balloon fight!

Everyone automatically agreed for that one and asked the mangers to go buy some, they agreed and left to buy some. Everyone got ready to have a water balloon fight when Shoyou got home.

~Time Skip to when Shoyou gets home~

: No one pov:
When Shoyou got home Nishinoya dragged him to Karasuno's room and told him to get dressed into a bathing suit.

Shoyou was confused but did so anyways. (btw the managers bought a bathing suit)

When Shoyou was done Nishinoya covered his eyes with a blind fold and led him outside.

When Shoyou walked outside he was hit with a water balloon, he quickly took off the blind fold and saw everyone with water balloons.

He ran and hid grabbing some water balloons on his way, everyone started throwing the balloons at eachother.

The people that didn't get hit the most was the libero's, evertime one came to them they would use their skills to dodge.

Shoyou managed to hit Kageyama, Daichi, Kenma, Lev, Akaashi, and Oikawa. It was really fun, he mostly hit people in the face lol.

After awhile Bokuto spoke up saying that they should play water balloon volleyball.

Everyone agreed (for some reason) and it failed miserably. Everytime someone tried to spike, serve, or receive it always popped, it was always funny when it popped in the spikers face it the servers face.

It was getting dark so they had to go inside, they took showers and dried off then went to go eat dinner.

For dinner they had okonomiyaki and rice, it was really yummy. After that they hung out in the gym talking and playing.

Mostly saying their goodbyes because tomorrow was their last day at camp, Shoyou was really sad that he wouldn't be able to see them anymore.

He even asked Suga if he could use his phone to call Ushijima, he agreed and Shoyou called him.

He picked up and hd said "Bye bye Ushijima I will miss you! Tell everyone else that I will miss then too"

Ushijima then said "bye Shoyou we will miss you too" then they hung up, after that they all went to bed so they could be ready for tomorrow.

(954 words)

Hi! Tomorrow I will update my last chapter for this book 😭. But on halloween I will update another chapter that will be a Halloween Special🎃! Thank you for reading!

 But on halloween I will update another chapter that will be a Halloween Special🎃! Thank you for reading!

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This is okonomiyaki ☝

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