Chapter 11

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: No one pov:
After practice was over Hinata ran to Daichi and the others to give them the pictures he drew for them. They were all really happy and thanked him, then they went to go eat dinner.

When Hinata was walking, his stomach started to hurt and he went to Daichi and asked to be held, it was hurting really bad so he just layed his head down on Daichi's shoulder. When they got to the lunch room they got food and sat down, once Hinata smelt the food he felt more sick and started to cry.

Everyone was confused and thought he was just hungry so they tried to feed him but he just started to cry more, soon enough he was bawlling his eyes out while trying to say something.

Daichi gave him to Suga but he just kept crying so Suga tried to calm him down enough to hear him say that he wanted Mad Dog (aka Kyotani)? They were confused but handed him to Mad Dog, he took him and just went back to eating while Hinata started to fall asleep,

: Mad Dog (aka Kyotani) pov:
When I heard Shoyou say that he wanted me I was confused but also excited because I love babies!!!! I was super excited but didn't show and just kept my normal mad face, I went back to eat and Shoyou slowly fell asleep it was soooo

When I finished eating I woke up Shoyou so we could wash up, I walked to the bathroom as he woke up it was really cute. We got to the showers and I washed myself then went to go wash Shoyou's hair it was so soft and fluffy he told me that his stomach still hurt a little but so we went to go soak in the bath.

He played with the water for a bit while I pinched his cute chubby cheeks, but then everything was ruined when the rest of Aoba Johsai came. They all crowd around Shoyou and was taking pictures so I got up and walked away with him.

Tonight he was going to sleep in Aoba Johsai's room so I got his clothes and got him changed. I made him milk and layed him down he barely drank the milk so I just gave him a pacifier, he feel asleep and so did the rest of us when they got here.

: Hinata pov:
I woke up because my stomach was hurting again so I tried to wake up Mad Dog but he wouldn't budge, I then saw someone move and went to them it was Kindaichi!! I ran to him and shook him he woke up! 

He looked at me tierdly and I pointed to my stomatch and whined a little bit, luckily he knew what I was talking about and took me to the bathroom then the kitchen. He gave me water and we just sat in the tables waiting until I finished.

After I finished we went to the bathroom again and then went back to the room,  my stomach felt alot better but I couldn't fall asleep. Kindaichi gave me his phone and I watched My Hero Academia, it was really funny and cool also that night I decided I wanted to be a hero!

: No one pov:
When everyone in the Aoba Johsai room woke they saw sleeping Shoyou by Kindaichi with his phone, they all laughed and went to go get ready. When they came back Shoyou was awake and jumping around saying "One for All PLUS ULTRA!!!" they confused but thought it was funny so went along with it. Hinata ran to the lunch room telling people to be plus ultra, everyone was happy to see he was all better.

Hinata ran to Suga hugging him saying he wants to be a hero like All Might, Suga then looked at Mad Dog asking if they watched the anime My Hero Academia. Mad Dog was confused because he didn't remember that but then Kindaichi told them what happened. Kuroo then went up to Hinata telling him to stop saying "plus ultra" because it was getting annoying.

Hinata looked him straight in the eye and said "that wasn't very plus ultra of you" everyone laughed and Hinata just ran away to go eat. While they ate he told Suga about what he watched and how cool heros were, he said he was going to save people and make them happy.

: Suga pov:
Shoyou was so happy about being a hero when he was older it was so cute, he was talking about it during breakfast and while we were walking to the gym. He was telling me about what he wanted his hero costume to be and all the colors, he even told that he would draw it for me to see. When I had to practice he ran to Coach Ukai telling him about heros.

(853 words)

Hi again here is the meme from the part where Hinata said "that wasn't very plus ultra of you" and I don't own My Hero Academia or Haikyu.

Hi again here is the meme from the part where Hinata said "that wasn't very plus ultra of you" and I don't own My Hero Academia or Haikyu

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