Chapter 5

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:No one pov:
During practice Hinata cheered for each team, everyone did their best because Hinata was watching. After practicing for a long time they went to go eat dinner, the managers made curry and salad.

As everyone went to sit down they noticed Hinata was gone, they thought he was following them out of the gym???

Suga then ran to the gym to find nothing there, he ran to the room where they were staying and found nothing. He went to go tell the others, as he did everyone started to panic and look for him.

: Daichi pov:
We saw Suga come back to the eating room he had a worried expression on his face, when he came up to us he said with tears in his eyes that Hinata was missing!

Nekoma heard this and started to look for him everywhere, soon enough all the teams were looking

I ran to go tell the coaches, when I got there they all had concerned looks on their faces. They asked what all the ruckus was about, when I said Hinata was missing they all ran out of the room looking for him.

: Hinata pov:
I fell asleep while they were practicing and when I woke up no one was there? I then got up and walked outside, I was walking for what felt like forever (because of my tiny body) then I bumped into someone.

I looked up and saw a tall boy wearing a purple and white running jacket and he had olive hair.

He looked down at me saying you look familiar then tilted his head, I looked at him and said Japan I don't know why though.

:Ushijima pov:
I was running for exercise when I felt something bump into me, I looked down and saw a familiar orange head?

When I said "you look familliar" he looked at me and says "Japan" that's when I knew it was Karasuno's number 10.

I picked him up and asked where his caretakers were he said "I dunno" so I decided to take him back to Shiratorizawa with me.

When I arrived there everyone was staring at the cute baby in my arms, then Semi spoke up saying who's child is this?? I told them this was Karasuno's number 10 and they all started crowding around me.

: No one pov:
As the team swarmed around Hinata taking pictures and looking at him the coach came over saying that they would take a break for today's training and play with the baby.

Semi also went over to the phone to call Karasuno (Suga), when Suga picked up the phone you could hear running and yelling in the back round he then said

                            Start of phone call

Semi: Hello? Is this Koshi Sugawara?

Suga: Yes and who is this?

Semi: Oh I'm Eita Semi from Shiratorizawa volleyball team we found a
baby with orange hair that says his name is Hinata Shoyou
is he your number 10?

Suga: YES! We have been looking for him all over can we pick
him up tomorrow because it's getting really late

Semi: Of course! We will have someone look after him tonight
and bring him to school tomorrow

Suga: Okay thank you very much!

                             End of phone call

Suga ran to tell all the teams that Hinata was at Shiratorizawa and that he was safe. When he did all the teams calmed down and went to go finish eating and rest.

:Ushijima pov:
After Semi made the call we decided to play duck duck goose, Shoyou was first and picked Tendo. While they were running Shoyou tripped and fell, he looked and Tendo with tears in his eyes and started to cry.

We all looked at him not knowing what to do until Semi picked him up and calmed him down.

Then we continued the game, when it was my turn I also tripped. When I did Shoyou tried to copy Semi and ran over to me trying to pick me up, we all just laughed but then it was time to get ready for bed.

I took Shoyou with me to my dorm and we got ready for bed, earlier we had some people go out and get clothes that would fit the tiny number 10. When I gave him a bath he already had clothes for him.

When we got into the bed I put him close to the wall so he wouldn't fall off the bed, then I drifted off to sleep.

~Time Skip to morning~

: No one pov:
When Ushijima woke up Hinata was still sleeping so he got ready for school then woke him up. He brought him to the eating room were he was met with the whole Shiratorizawa volleyball team.

They looked and Hinata and started taking more pictures, then Ushijima walked up to the counter to get food for Hinata then for himself. He sat down with the rest of the team while they ate and played with Shoyou.

(872 words)

Hi I so yesterday night I found this really funny meme I laughed for so long while thinking about it that my mom told to be more quiet and shut my door so here it is

Hi I so yesterday night I found this really funny meme I laughed for so long while thinking about it that my mom told to be more quiet and shut my door so here it is

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Baby Hinata ShoyouWhere stories live. Discover now