Chapter 30 (Last Chapter)

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*I decided that my next book will be a bnha/mha baby deku, the title will be called "Baby Deku" (no quotation marks) Thank You! (Won't be posting chapters until November 16th but the book will still be there) I will still be posting a Halloween Special tomorrow!

: Hinata pov:
Today was the last day at training camp, most of the morning everyone packed their bags so we could leave tomorrow morning. When Suga was packing I saw him pick up a yellow bag that was not his.

I went up to him and asked him who it was. He looked at me and told me that this bag was big boy Hinata's bag, I asked if I could look through it and he said yes.

He handed me the bag and I opened it, I saw a bunch of clothes, a toothbrush, and a flip phone? I opened the flip phone and saw contacts that said "Mom", "Dad", "Kageyama", and "Suga".

I was surprised to see Kageyama on there so I decided to call him, I pushed his contact and the phone rung.

Kageyama was still sleeping, when his phone rung he sat up really quick and opened his phone.

In the phone he said in a sleepy voice "hello?", I giggled and just hung up the phone. He looked very confused and tired, after everyone packed he went to the eating room.

We had eggs and bacon for breakfast, while we were eating Coach Ukai announced that fireworks will be at 6pm.

Everyone cheered and went to the gym, today the coaches had something different in mind for practice.

They said that we would play volleyball but with everyone at once, Nekoma and Aoba Johsai would be on one side of the net (yellow team) while Karasuno and Fukurodani would be on the other side (red team).

Date Techs team would be split between the yellow and red team, I decided to sit on the bench and watch.

: No one pov:
Everyone got in their teams and got in ready positions, Oikawa served the ball first and Nishinoya recevied it.

Kageyama then set to Bokuto (because he called for the ball), Bokuto swung his arm to spike the ball but the ball was too high and he missed!

Yellow team got that point, Oikawa served again and this time Fukurodani's libero revived and Kageyama set to Asahi and they got a point.

Next was Tsukki's turn to serve, he served it and Nekoma's libero received it. Kenma set the ball to Iwaizumi but Iwaizumi also missed, the ball was farther from the net then he thought so it hit him it the face.

On the bench the coaches were just laughing at all their fails, it went on a full rotation until it was Oikawa's turn to serve again.

Oikawa tossed the ball into the air and jumped, right when he did his shorts fell down!

: Oikawa pov:
It was my turn to serve, I tossed the ball in the air and jumped up tp spike. Then my pants fell down! SUPER UNLUCKY, it just had to be today! The day I wear my alien undies!

I forgot to spike and just landed back on the ground, tripping! I face planted into the ground. I got up and quickly pulled up my pants, everyone was laughing I fake pouted and laughed also.

After that Karasuno and Fukurodani won, we went to go eat lunch then practice in normal groups. Shoyou played with us this time, he could play better because he was not as short anymore.

~Time Skip to 6pm~

: Hinata pov:
It was finally time for the sparklers, we set up a bucket of water to put them in afterwards and we set up chairs to just chill.

Coach Ukai lit one sparkler and that sparkler lit up the rest, we made pictures in the air of of them and people ran around with them.

I just crouched down and watched mine, Suga came and crouched down by me. He asked me why I was crouched down here, I told him that I was getting some memories.

He just smiled at me and told me to go play with everyone, I then got up and ran to Tanaka and Nishinoya.

They were trying to hold 3 sparklers in their mouth, I just laughed at them and also tried to do that.

I failed and they fell to the ground, I ran to Coach Ukai to get more. He gave me another one and I ran to Oikawa waving it in his face, he looked at me and I said "Let's play a game"

He said "ok" and I said "I will draw a picture with my sparkler and you have to guess what it is" he nodded and I started drawing.

As I was drawing he looked very confused, I finished and he still couldn't guess what it was. I then said "I drew the alien on your underwear", everyone around just laughed and Oikawa just (fake) laughed.

Takeda-sensei then called us all over, we went over and he handed us all a new sparkler.

Then we all stood close together and took a picture for memories, after we ran out of sparklers we all went inside for bed.

I said goodbye to everyone as we left, when I layed in my futon and fell asleep I got all my memories back!

Ones from school, home, volleyball, vacation, and I even kept all the memories I had when I turned into a child!

: Suga pov:
I woke up in the morning and saw NORMAL HINATA! I quickly ran over to him and shook him awake, he rubbed his eyes and waved to me. I then said "your back to normal!"

He then looked at himself and said "I guess I am haha" everyone was awake now and staring and the not baby Hinata anymore.

They all had sad looks on their faces and got ready to leave after breakfast, when we got to the eating room everyone looked at Hinata with sad faces.

Hinata caught on and said "Why the long faces?", Kuroo walked up to Hinata and said "do you......remember anything?"

Hinata looked at him confused at first then brightened up saying "of course I do!" Everyone's faces automatically brightened up and we all talked and had a great time until it was time to leave.

We all said our goodbyes and got into separate busses, our team was especially happy to have Hinata back but still missed baby Shoyou.

When we got back to school Coach Ukai told us to get some rest because the next big event was Nationals!

(1215 words)

Hi! As the title said this is the last chapter 😭. I really enjoyed writing this book, thank you to everyone who read until the end, I really appreciate it 😊. Also I decided that I will be making another book! It will be a bnha/mha book, it will be a baby deku book. The book will be called "Baby Deku" (no quotation marks) I wont start posting chapters until after a small break, specifically November 16th, but the book will still be there. Thank You! See you in my next book!

 Thank You! See you in my next book!

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