Chapter 9

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:Hinata pov:
After Karasuno won against Nekoma I started to feel dizzy, it was only for a little bit so I got up to go ask Kiyoko for water but then I fell to the ground and passed out.

: Kiyoko pov:
I saw that Hinata was looking a little pale so I stayed close to him just in case, but then I saw him get up and try walking but then he fell.

I rushed over to him but he was passed out, I started to panic and I ran to Suga interrupting their game. Everyone was confused but Suga just took Hinata and we ran out of the gym to the coaches room.

We didn't even knock before entering and we startled Takeda-sensei and the other coaches, Suga ran up to them to tell them what happened. Hinata looked a little disturbed while sleeping so we just layed him down, he didn't cry but he just moved around alot.

(The Italics will be Hinata's dream)

: Hinata pov:
I ran to school racing Kageyama we tied in the end. Today we were going to have a scrimmage during practice, I was very excited because we don't have them often with the whole team.

When we walked into the gym Daichi told us to stretch then put on a red jersey. On red team there was Me, Kageyama, Tsukki, Ennoshita, Yamaguchi, and Kinoshita. On yellow team was Daichi, Suga, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Narita, and Asahi.

We got into postition and started the game, everytime I blocked with Tsukki I was almost too late but it bounced off my finger tips. P

My favorite thing was spiking the ball! It always made me feel happy so every chance I get I always try to make it into a point for our team.

But this game was not so good, all my spikes were blocked it made me so frustrated and Kageyama noticed that so he started setting to me less!

I felt horrible but I kept trying, we lost the game 20-25 I was bummed but Daichi said we could do it again some other day.

:Suga pov:
While Hinata slept he looked a little sad and at one point frustrated but that quickly went away. I held his tiny hand and Kiyoko went to go get him milk for when he woke up, I eventually went back to practice and Kiyoko stayed with him.

When I got there everyone bombarded me with questions about why I left and what was wrong with Hinata. I told about what happened and that he was feeling better, we got back to our game but I was still worried about Hinata.

: Hinata pov:
When I woke up I was confused because in my dream that boy who spiked looked just like me!! He was sad and happy all at once, he was also good friends with mama and papa and the rest of the team.

I was curious so I asked Kiyoko if I could go see Ukai, mama, and papa she said yes and carried me all the way there. When we got there I ran to mama and said "Mama can I pretty please with cherrys on top meet my big brother!!" He looked at me confused then said "They are all right here" (excluding the mom and dads of the teams).

: No one pov:
For the rest of the day Hinata kept asking to meet his big brother, everyone was confused and kept saying "they are all here" but Hinata would say "No! You are missing my REAL big brother!!" Soon Kuroo went up to him and said "explain what he looks like".

Hinata said "He looks just like me and he was wearing a red jersey that says #10." Then Hinata saw Ukai's phone and ran to it he said "There he is!!!!" while pointing at big boy Hinata, everyone looked at him in confusion or shock Suga asked if he knew him and Hinata shook his head no, he then said "He looked like me so I thought that he was my big brother".

They told Hinata to try and see if he could remember anything else. He thought for awhile then said that big boy Hinata always looked and felt happy while playing volleyball with his team and playing against other teams.

At that moment everyone missed big boy Hinata and was sad he wasn't there to play with them, but they knew he would eventually come back but when he did little Hinata would be gone and they would miss him.

The coaches said to take a break from practice and have free time, everyone automatically went to go play with Hinata. Hinata said he wanted to play tag and that he wanted Ushijima to come over and play, so they called Shiratorizawa and they said they would be there in 20 minutes so they played a little before they got there. When they got there they started their intense game of tag,  it was labeled intense because no one could manage to tag Hinata!!

He could run pretty fast for his age and always tricked people while running away, Hinata was called "The King of Tag" and he acted like it. After winning a game of tag he would push the loosing team out the gym yelling "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!" Soon enough all the teams except for Hinata's were pushed out of the gym and Hinata was the ultimate winner.

(931 words)

Hi there! Here is the video that I got the idea of the part that says "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!"

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