1| Breaking news

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Chapter 1: Breaking news (Claire's POV)

I grabbed the bread, once it popped out of the toaster, wincing as it burned my fingers. "Freaking hell," I mumbled. I ate up my breakfast before going to my dad's study to say bye. I knocked on the door and saw him on the phone but he quickly ushered me in and told me to sit down. 

He hung up and then turned to me. 

"I'm heading out. I have to empty my locker." 

"You're going alone?" he frowned. 

"Dad, graduation was almost two weeks ago. You haven't let me go and my stuff has to be removed. They need that locker for someone else. I have to go." 

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. I'll be honest here, I have almost no idea what has been going on with him lately. It's like every little thing happening freaks him out. When the mailman rings the doorbell, he tells me not to open it, when I'm going anywhere, he demands to know where and who I'm going with, when I'm up in my room and he's home, he comes and checks on me multiple times. 

At first, I thought it was just him being worried about me, but now I'm starting to suspect it's something else. Something a little fishier. 

"Dad, what is going on with you?" 

"Take someone with you. Aesha, or Theo, somebody," he demanded. 

"Dad, Aesha isn't here. She went to see her grandparents, I told you, remember? And Theo and I aren't together anymore." 

"Since when?" 

"Like four months ago," I laughed.

He planned on leaving and studying in the UK, I didn't want to do this distance. It was a mutual thing. 

"Wait outside for five minutes, I need to talk to you about something," he said while grabbing the phone and dialing a number. 

"Dad," I groaned. 

"Just listen to me, Claire." I sighed in defeat before going outside and waiting in the kitchen. 

He has to be up to something. 

After minutes he called me back inside. I went in and stood in front of his desk while he shuffled through papers. "When you get to school and empty your locker, someone is going to be there to help you. You will listen to him, do as he says. He's gonna bring you back here and then I'll tell you the rest." 

I scoffed, "Are you kidding?" He stared up at me in confusion. "I'm not just going to listen to a stranger and do as they say." 

He rolled his eyes, "It's not a stranger, he went to school with you, it's Leo," he mumbled. 

"Leo Jackson?" I asked, wide-eyed. 

"Yes," he answered. 

"Mm-mm, nope. You're telling me what happens. Right now, or I'm leaving and I'll be in and out of there before Leo can even get there," I huffed. I know my way around that school, there are ways to sneak in and out without getting noticed one bit. 

He sighed in defeat and looked straight up at me. "I need you to stay with a friend for a while. I have some things to sort out. Leo is my best friend's son. He'll keep you safe." 

"Safe? Is this about the gambling you promised you were done with?" I glared at him. 

"You don't just walk out on a life like that. I owe some people, dangerous people. People who can kill you if they knew you were my daughter. And some of them do. I need you hidden and safe. And Leo is the one to do that." 

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