6| Trust

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Chapter 6: Trust (Claire's POV)

"It was no big deal, you can go," he said, sitting up against the headboard. 

"What? You can't even accept a thank you now?" I lifted a brow at him. 

"That depends, are you thanking me?" 

"Of course, I am." 

"Well, you have a weird way of showing gratitude," he smirked. 

"Leo," I sang, "Thank you for saving me," I smiled fakely. 

"You're so not welcome, I wish I didn't do it," he scoffed. 

"Goodnight," I said, already on my way out. I stood in front of his door for a split second, contemplating getting ice cream again just to piss him off when I heard it. I heard it. I actually heard it. 

I heard Leo Jackson's laugh. 

I pushed his door back open and stumbled in from the force I used. "You just laughed," I chuckled. 

"No, I didn't," he rolled his eyes. 

"Yes, you did," I said. I stared at him while he looked at his phone. He pulled his lips into a thin line. "Your dimple's showing," I teased. 

"Claire, get out!" he huffed. 

"Okay," I sang before turning around and leaving. 

So the man can smile, and god forbid, even laugh. 

I smiled to myself like an idiot while going downstairs. No night without ice cream. I got my ice cream as per the new usual and turned around, once again seeing him there. "I thought I told you, twice, no sneaking in for food," he glared at me. 

Well, he's back. 

"But it's ice cream," I shrugged. 

"And you lost a game of Mario kart which means you have to do as I say. Put that back and go up to your room," he ordered. So bossy. 

"Okay," I sang, putting the bowl in the freezer and turning to him. He seemed rightfully surprised. I walked up to him, stopping right in front of him. "I trust you." I ran upstairs before he could turn to lights off and I fell on my face. 

I got to my room, shut the door, and went to bed feeling a little more normal here now. A little less trapped. 

I woke up the next morning to yelling from downstairs. I crawled out and tied my hair in a bun, before going downstairs, rubbing my eyes. There stood Flynn arguing with Aesha about why she couldn't be here. Leo was sitting on the barstool, enjoying the show, clearly amused. 

I walked over to him and rested my elbow on his shoulder, also watching the show. I turned to him and caught him glaring up at me before he looked down at my arm. I gave him a smile but he pulled his shoulder out from under me. I huffed before turning to the other two. 

Oh, my god, wait. AESHA! 

"Aesha!" I squealed. 

"Claire!" she yelled before squeezing me in a bone-crushing hug. 

Why do we always act like we're seeing each other after decades? 

"I missed you," she mumbled. 

"I missed you too," I laughed, "What are you doing here?" I asked, pulling away. 

"He won't listen to what I'm saying, so I'll just tell you," she glared at Flynn, "He brought me," she pointed at Leo. 

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