29| My love

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Chapter 29: My love (Claire's POV)

The whole week went by and I observed Leo the entire time. Something about him was off. He was acting weird, he was acting different, he was acting... distant. He'd wake up before me and get out of bed unlike usual, he wouldn't cuddle me at night, he wouldn't spend any time with me and would be out of the house as much as possible. 

I tried everything. I tried talking to him, kissing him into spilling the secret, even seducing that bastard but nothing was working. He still took care of me, kept me safe and comfortable. He even brought my grandmother in for her birthday and organized everything. Even a cake. And he even went to drop her off to keep her safe. She loved him. 

But now he's barely kissing me and I hated it. The last proper conversation I had with him consisted of us confessing our feelings, so what went wrong? 

It was currently the middle of the night and I was sitting on his bed while he brushed his teeth. "I think I'm going to sleep in my own room tonight," I said, scratching Ace and Max who lay on my belly. 

He looked at me through his bathroom mirror. I watched his face carefully for reactions but he wasn't giving anything away. "Okay," he shrugged. 

"Okay," I shrugged, picking up the two babies on me and holding them. "Goodnight then," I said before pulling the door open and going into the room across his. It felt foreign. I hadn't slept here in a long time. More than the two weeks we planned. 

I was so angry at him for the way he was acting and the way he was treating me. It made me feel like he got what he wanted from me and was now just tossing me to the side. And I hated that. So I came up with a plan. 

He's going to tell me what he's feeling and if he doesn't... Then I'll leave. 

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

I glanced at the time and grabbed my backpack. Ace and Max were sleeping in my bed. I left them sleeping. I pulled my shoes on and pulled the bag over my shoulder. I walked to the door and slowly opened it before tiptoeing downstairs. 

I got to the door and glanced around the place. I entered the pin one digit at a time, slowly and softly trying to avoid the inevitable beeps of each number being punched in. I put in the final number, hearing it beep open. 

I grabbed the handle and twisted it, pulling the door open softly. A breeze blew in and I opened it further but before I could step out, someone grabbed my wrist and slammed the door shut. 

He spun me around and slammed me against the door, the backpack digging into me from behind. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked, his voice husky and low. Not raspy enough for him to have just woken up. 

Was he awake the whole time? 

"I'm leaving," I said. 

"Are you out of your mind?" he asked. 

"I want to go back home. I can't stay here anymore." 

"Why are you suddenly acting like this? What has gotten into you?" 

I scoffed, "What has gotten into me? What has gotten into you?" I pushed him back. 

It's a good thing Flynn isn't home tonight. 

"What did I do?" he questioned. 

"You know what you're doing, Leo. I want to go home, all right? Just let me leave," I pulled my wrist out of his and turned to the door, punching in the code and opening it, only for him to slam it shut again. 

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