19| Butterflies

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Chapter 19: Butterflies (Claire's POV)

"What teams?" Aesha asked, looking at Leo. 

"I'll go with Claire," he shrugged. 

I looked at her and she looked at me knowingly. "Sure," I shrugged, turning to him. He held his hand out and I grabbed it before lowering myself into the water with his help while Flynn helped Aesha in as well. 

"Oh, my god, how deep is this?" she asked, grabbing Flynn's arm. 

"It's really deep," I laughed while swimming behind Leo and grabbing onto his shoulders to keep myself up. 

"We're supposed to beat him?" Aesha turned to Flynn. I snorted and let out a laugh before smacking a hand over my mouth. Leo shook his head while laughing while Flynn rolled his eyes at Aesha. "Kidding," she sang before grabbing onto Flynn's shoulders as well. 

"Oh, so it's just me against Leo? Thanks, Aesha," Flynn deadpanned. The guys swam us over to the shallow end which wasn't exactly shallow because I still couldn't stand. It's six feet on this end, eight feet on the other. 

Where the hell is the shallow end? 

"I don't want to get my hair wet," Aesha frowned while Leo stood up straighter. 

He patted my leg and I wrapped my legs around his torso, pulling myself up higher. "Ready?" I asked. 

Flynn and Leo both nodded. "You're gonna lose," Flynn scoffed. 

"There and back or just there?" Leo asked. 

"There and back," Aesha said. 

"Who's side are you on?" Flynn asked her. 

"There and back it is," I laughed, "Three... two... one... Go!" They both pushed off the wall while Aesha screamed when the water hit her and I laughed. I swear to god, Leo swims like a freaking- 

What swims really fast? Sharks swim fast, right? They look like it when they're coming after you in movies. 

Just say like a shark.

Yeah, like a shark. 

He also managed to do the whole thing in one breath. We got to the other side with Flynn but while coming back we beat them to it. He stood up straight, while Flynn reached the wall. "How the fuck do you that with her on your back?" Flynn panted. 

"Are you calling me fat?" Aesha twisted his ear. 

"Ow! No!" he yelled. "The girls should try," Flynn scoffed. 

"No thanks," I snickered while adjusting my hold on Leo. "So, Flynn," I said while resting my chin on Leo's shoulder. "Have you kissed her yet?" I smirked. Aesha splashed water at me while Flynn scratched the back of his neck. "Aww, puppy love," I taunted even further. 

"Shut up, Claire," they said in sync. 

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes. Flynn and Aesha stayed on this end but Leo began swimming back to the deeper end. "Bye!" I waved at the other two. Aesha shook her head at me while sitting on the edge, Flynn standing in front of her. 

"He really likes her," Leo said while swimming. 

"I know," I replied. He poked at my leg while swimming until we reached the end. He continued swimming around the pool and we stayed in comfortable silence. "You should have gone for the deal this morning," I mumbled. 

"Why?" he asked. 

"You would have gotten the money from your share," I said. 


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