34| Catch

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Chapter 34: Catch (Claire's POV)

I lay there in bed beside him, once again naked. Well, I had underwear on. It's a little hard to resist someone when you realize you love them. He was almost asleep so I pulled his shirt on and stood up, looking through the bookshelf in his room. At the very bottom, I found all his notebooks from school. Which were mostly empty since he never went to class. The one notebook that was filled, every page. Was for French. 

"I speak it fluently." I jumped, feeling his hands on my waist and his chest against my back. 

"I took Spanish but I don't speak it fluently at all," I chuckled, turning around to face him, putting the notebook down, "Say something in French." 

He seated me on the desk and stood between my legs. "Hmm, je suis à toi," he grinned. 

"What does that mean?" I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"It means, I'm yours," he answered. 

"Say something else," I mumbled. 

Him speaking in French turned the dial up by like a thousand. I felt very attracted to him. "Je ne regrette rien, parce que je t'aime." 

"What does that mean?" I chuckled. 

"I'll tell you. Some day," he nodded with a smirk. 

"I'll use google translate," I whispered. 

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, "It means," he looked at me, suddenly completely serious. "I regret nothing because I love you." 

The smile fell from my face before returning in a full power grin. "Really?" I asked. 

"I love you, Claire." 

"I love you too," I beamed. 


"Yes," I laughed, "I was waiting for you to say it. I didn't want to push you," I explained. 

"Tu as très stupid," he rolled his eyes. 

"Oui, je suis très stupid," I nodded while laughing. 

"Tu parles français?" His eyes widened. 

"Oui, comme toi," I laughed before pulling his lips down to mine. 

"You didn't take Spanish, did you?" he mumbled against my lips. 

"I sat behind you for four years, Leo. Have a little shame," I chuckled. 

"Sorry, I never turned around," he smirked. 

"Maybe you should have, you could have fallen in love with me earlier," I retorted. His hand slipped under my shirt and rested at my waist while his right hand drew small circles on my lower back. "I fell hard for you," I chuckled. 

"I caught you, didn't I? I'll always be there. I'll catch you," he winked before kissing me again. He pulled me back onto the bed and sat down under me, pulling me into his lap so I straddled him. 

If you can't resist someone because you know in your heart that you love them, then how do you resist them if they tell you they love you back? 

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

I woke up after that a little past midnight to chaos outside the house. I crawled out of bed and grabbed his shirt from the desk chair, pulling it over my head quickly. I looked out the window, my eyes widening. There are people. There are loads of people. And there's Theo. And who I'm assuming is Seth. 

I stepped back and stumbled, the back of my legs hitting the bed, causing me to fall back. "Leo," I shook him. "Leo, wake up," I said. 

"What? What's wrong? What happened?" He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. 

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