2| Princess

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Chapter 2: Princess (Claire's POV)

"Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out!" I had been chanting the same thing since we left and I don't know about Leo but Flynn sure was frustrated with me. 

"I'm gonna crash this fucking car I swear to god," he mumbled under his breath. 

"Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out," I sang. 

"I'm gonna kill her," he said to Leo. 

"I would let you but I can't," he shrugged, his feet up on the dashboard as he stared out the window. 

"Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out, let me-" I gasped when Leo jumped and crawled into the backseat beside me. I stared at him while he sat beside. 

"I will tape your mouth shut," he threatened. 

"Let me out," I said through gritted. 

He rolled his eyes before moving closer and placing his hand on the back of my neck. 

No! I knew what he was doing! 

You know how movies show you grabbing the back of someone's neck and they immediately fall asleep like they've been hypnotized? Yeah! That's actually possible! It's called a wind pool point and you can find it easily if you follow the groove behind your ear. 

"Get off of me!" I yelled, pushing him off. 

"This can be really easy or really hard. You're not gonna shut up so you can just let me put you to sleep or I can just do it." I huffed and glared at him with all my might, sitting still. His thumb sat behind my ear and he slowly moved it up. "See? There we go," he smirked before pressing down. 

It hurt slightly before it began tingling and then my eyes got heavier and then droopier, and then I blacked out. 

I woke up, god knows where. Nice house though. I winced, grabbing the back of my neck. It still tingled. I rubbed my eyes while slowly sitting up. I was lying on a couch in a giant living room. 


I gasped and jumped up, looking at Flynn who popped up behind me. "You're not the one who kidnapped me," I said through gritted teeth, rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Kidnapped? Really?" he deadpanned. 

"Where is he?" I asked. 

"Who?" he played dumb. 

"Leo Jackson," I glared. 

He winced, "Yeah, we were sort of hoping you'd forget who brought you here," he mumbled. 

Is he serious? 

"How does one forget Leo Jackson?" I asked. 

"What do you mean?" he questioned. 

"I mean, he's Leo Jackson. Isn't everyone supposed to be terrified of him and remember who he is?" I asked, rolling my eyes. 

"Are you terrified of him?" he asked, lifting a brow at me. 

"I should be. I don't know why I'm not. Anyway, where is he?" I stood. 

"Right here." I looked up at the staircase that he descended.

"You!" I pointed at him, "You're a freaking psychopath! You're insane! You-" 

He quite literally pulled out the tape and smacked it over my mouth. I stared at him wide-eyed before ripping it off. Ouch. 

"You-" Another piece of tape. 

"Just shut up," he deadpanned. 

I flipped him with the finger but he didn't seem bothered in the least. I took the tape off slowly this time before licking my lips. "Can I please just go home?" I whined. 

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