7| Chills

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Chapter 7: Chills (Claire's POV)

It was currently midnight and I could not sleep. "God, what the hell?" I groaned into my pillow. Screw it. I'm doing it. 

I stood up and opened the closet, grabbing a bikini from the basket inside where I threw all my bathing suits. It was a simple black one. I went to the bathroom and changed, grabbing a towel with me. I opened the door, peeking out. Nobody. I tiptoed down the stairs and out to the back. 

I unlocked the door and closed it quietly, softly stepping on the grass. I looked up, you could see Leo's window from here. I didn't see any lights on so I ran to the pool. I threw my towel on the ground and slowly sat down, dipping my legs in before I gently got in. 

It was deep. Really deep. Like eight feet or maybe more. And kind of cold. 

I took a deep breath before dunking my head in. I stayed under the water until I needed more air and then stuck my head up. I swam a few lengths and once I was tired, I started floating on the water, feeling weightless. 

I heard someone calling my name but it came muffled because my ears were under the surface of the water. I opened my eyes and straightened up. I looked up and saw Leo standing there, his arms folded across his chest. 

"What? You said I could swim," I replied, giving him a pointed look. 

"Yes, I did. Tomorrow. Not in the middle of the night," he said. 

"You never said not in the middle of the night," I grinned, kicking around in the water. 

He sighed and stared at me for a minute. "Get out." 

"Why? I was having fun," I pouted but began swimming to the ladder anyway. I pushed myself out of the water, my grip tight on the ladder while I climbed out. I squeezed the water out of my hair while walking to where I left the towel which was not too far from him. 

What if I push him in? 

"You can't," he said. 

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked. 

"Yes," he nodded, looking anywhere but at me. 

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but I ignored it and walked over, picking up the towel. I bet I could push him in. "Wait a second," I dropped the towel, "Why can't I swim in the middle of the night? And why can't you swim in the middle of the night?" I asked. 

"Because it's the middle of the night, get your towel," he ordered. 

"No," I argued. 

His eyes snapped to me and he stiffened pretty evidently. His eyes traveled, up then down, then up again before settling at mine. I felt chills, you guys. Chills. But I couldn't tell if that was from the breeze blowing and drying the cold water on my skin, or his eyes. "You're gonna catch a cold," he said, picking up the towel and holding it out for me to take. 

"Oh, is that what you were worried about?" I smirked. 

He pulled the towel back before pushing me into the pool. I kicked off the floor and to the surface, half choking, half laughing. "Are you crazy?" I laughed while climbing back out. 

"Done?" he asked. 

I laughed while grabbing the towel, wrapping it around myself. "Yeah," I chuckled. I tiptoed back inside with him both of us stopping and glancing and my wet and now grassy feet. I hate when grass gets stuck to your feet. "Oops. You should put a doormat out there," I mumbled, hugging the towel. 

"Dry yourself," he demanded. 

"How do I dry my feet without ruining your towel? And how do I walk in there without ruining your floor?" I deadpanned. 

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