Joy and Heartbreak

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Today is the result day. The result of their college admissions was released today. Meg and Jane applied to the same college but in different departments. "The Yoda University" was the dream college for every student.  Yoda was the place where many cultures came together. People from various countries came to this University. Being in such a reputed University was the dream of Jane. She always loved writing and reading, because most of the time books were the best friend for Jane. 

She wanted to join the department of literature. Jane was inspired by many women writers from around the world. Her favorite authors were Jane Austen and J. K. Rowling. Maybe having the same name as Jane Austen inspired her to become a writer. Unlike Jane, Meg wasn't interested in literature or books. She wanted to become a television personality, so she opted for the department of Multimedia.

As Jane was waiting for her results, on the corner of her heart she hoped that Edward would also choose the same university as her. She knew that he was more interested in Physics, he wouldn't choose literature. Still, she wanted him to be on the same campus as her and she thought looking at him daily would make her day.

It was 10.00 am; the results were released. Wohooo!!! Jane was selected in the Department of Literature at Yoda University. After this news, she rushed to Meg's house to hear about her result. Meg's result wasn't as expected. She wasn't selected for Yoda University, but the neighboring University called Whirl University at the Department of Multimedia. Jane was upset, but she didn't want to bother her friend. Meg was happy about this university as it was near the local TV station.

As Meg and Jane were having their usual chit chat, Edward called Meg and asked them to meet him in the nearby coffee shop. He also added that he had a surprise for both of them. They got dressed up and headed to the coffee shop. Jane hoped that it was about his university and she also wished to tell her feelings to him. She was all smiles and happy about meeting him. As they both reached the coffee shop, he was already sitting on a table. Along with him a girl who was their classmate called "Carol". Jane and Meg sat with them as they ordered their favorite latte. It was the favorite drink for the three, and the coffee shop was their meeting place.

*it was so silent* Meg spoke by breaking the silence. She said about their University and also asked about him. Yes, the expectation of Jane is fulfilled. He was also selected for the Yoda University. They also asked Carol about her college. Carol said that she is moving to upstate for her college. Then with a straight face, Edward started, " I wanted to tell this to both of you for a long time but didn't find a great time to say this. I guess this is the right time or it will be too delayed. I and Carol like each other and we are in a relationship for the past 2 years". Jane was broken. She was totally devastated but tried to pull herself together with a smile. She congratulated them and left the meeting, saying she got work. She cried herself while running back to her home. Jane wanted Edward to be happy always and wiping her tears she reminded herself that he is happy.

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