Bring To Light

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Today is the big day "The first day of her college". With all the excitement and tension, the three of them got ready to move to their classroom. In every drama, story, or movie. The girls get delayed and grab the attention of every student and the staff. But here the girls were so excited about attending class, so they reached on time. Still grabbed the attention of fellow students. The first day was the introductory class, every professor and the department head gave their welcome speech to the freshers. Jane was already convinced by one professor Mr.Robert, who was going to handle English literature. She was inspired by his speech and decided he is going to be her favorite professor.

After all the introductory speeches and advice, it was time for students to get to know each other. Jane was questioned by many students about where she is from, likes and dislikes, and her relationship status. When Jane said that she was Single, everyone in the room didn't believe her. They piled her up with questions like "Why are you still single?" "How can you be single?" "Are you having any secret relationship?". Jane didn't know how to respond to all these questions, she just replied to them with a smile. 

The other two, Ana and Eda was asked similar questions. Jane was hesitant to ask these questions, but the fellow students asked them. So even Jane was waiting for their answer eagerly. Ana has been in a relationship since high school. He is studying at a University in the nearby city. Eda has been dating a guy for a few months but things didn't work out so they broke up and Eda isn't sure about she wants a relationship or not. Jane was looking at them, hearing their relationship stories. Jane was most surprised by Ana's story because Ana had a very innocent face that made Jane think Ana might not be in a relationship. 

Most classes went with self-introduction, sharing their experience, which made them take literature and some classic stories. Jane and her 2 friends headed towards the canteen to have lunch. It was a wide place filled with tables, so they grabbed their plates and were standing in a queue. Jane was standing after 2 people from the counter. A guy after getting his food walked straight to Jane gave his plate and asked her to have the food. Jane was confused with his behavior and asked him why he gave his plate to her. He replied that he got work, so he doesn't want to eat. Jane with a confused face again questioned him. If he would not eat why did he got the food in the first place?. He replied that he didn't know that he would get work but after talking to Jane he decided to eat the food because she drained his most energy with her questions. He grabbed the plate and went to eat. Jane and her friends were standing cluelessly about what is happening. Ana and Eda asked Jane if she knew this guy already, but Jane doesn't even know who the hell he was. After all this drama, they had their lunch and were walking around the campus.

Jane took her friends for a walk near the department of physics, hoping that she would meet Edward. Luckily she met Edward, he was with his group of friends. She waved at him, but he didn't notice her. She went near him and called him. Edward didn't even ask anything about her but said that he was going out with his friends and he doesn't have time for her. Broken again, still smiled at him and asked him to take care. After the long day, they headed to the dorm. This weekend they have their most expected Freshers Party.

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