Expect The Unexpected

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The starting of the new semester didn't have much good news. The game which was being developed by Bruce's company didn't get any funding and it failed. Bruce was upset. Jane heard about this through her friends. Bruce didn't have much interaction with anybody. Jane spent most of her time trying to cheer him up. How much ever she tried, she couldn't convince him. But Jane didn't lose her hope. Every morning she went to his dorm, got him breakfast, accompanied him to class, and took him out after class. Bruce was getting back to normal. Thanks to Jane's effort.

His affection for Jane grew. He found her much more beautiful. He realized she was beautiful, even in the heart. But even this time he never looked at her beyond friend. Everything was back to normal. Classes, a part-time job, and meeting Alec. Jane went to every Alec's show. Apart from shows, coffee shop, they even started meeting at college. He helped her to complete one of her assignments. He also helped her with his notes for her exam. Prof Robert took these two people to every lecture of his. Alec liked her, and she liked him back, but the sad part is they never exchanged it. 

Jane was all into Alec. Whenever there was a show of Alec, she just forgets everyone, even her best friends. If her friends or Bruce call her during Alec's show, she refuses straight away. Slowly Bruce started feeling away from Jane. Maybe it's all because of Jane's unconditional obsess towards Alec. Bruce calls and Jane denies. This became a routine. He felt bad about this. Bruce always been a happy little kid, but seeing him like this made everyone ask what was wrong with him. Bruce said that he is sad over Jane prioritising Alec always. Everyone of us knows that, if it is a dot, our beloved friends will surely draw it into a big picture. Same way when Bruce said this, his friends started saying that he likes Jane more than a friend and he is fooling himself by saying her as just a friend. Maybe his possessiveness and his affection for Jane made him agree with his friends. Bruce decided that he loves her and will surely say this to her.

So like every other day after finishing his show, Alec and Jane were walking to the campus. They were discussing the story writing camp and from the literature department one student will recommended each year. Alec was recommended this year. Jane wished to get selected the next year because it gives the training on writing and also they help publish the book of the best student. After talking about this, there was a silent. There were near the campus. 

Alec started,  "Are you dating anyone? I mean Bruce,". Jane "No, we are just friends. He dare not to think about me more than a friend,". Alec, "Thats good because I like you. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I don't know when I started liking you, but all I know is I really want to date you,". Jane was happy inside but didn't give an expression. Alec added, " I don't want you to give your answer right away. Think and give your answer.". After saying this, they parted their way to their respective dorm.

When Jane reached her dorm, her dorm in charge said that someone was waiting for her outside and he was waiting for her more than an hour. Jane looked at her phone and there were many missed calls for Jane. By that time, Ana and Eda was coming from the canteen to the dorm. They said to Jane that Bruce called both of them and said that he wants to talk with her about something important. Jane was convinced that it was Bruce, and he is going to kill her for not taking the call. He was standing on the other side of her dorm, she ran to him saying " I'm very sorry Bruce. I didn't mean to avoid your calls. I'm sorry. Please don't kill me.". When she saw his face, she was shocked. It was Edward, not Bruce. Even her friends were shocked to see his face. Edward, " HI Jane".

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