The Changeover

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After hearing the news from Edward, Jane was really upset. How much ever she tried to hide her feeling. It was all visible in her face. For, over 2 days Jane refused to go out of her house. Meg tried calling her out. Still, Jane refused to. She also refused to attend her friend's meeting, as Edward would come with Carol. She started reading books and writing blogs to overcome her feeling. But the little girl with the crush refused to come out of her.

On a weekday morning, Meg rushed to Jane's home. Jane was sleeping loudly. Meg woke her up. Jane was shocked to see Meg this early morning. She asked Meg what is she doing in her home. Meg said, " You cried and isolated enough for your crush. I will not let you do this anymore,". Jane was surprised as she never told Meg about her feelings for Edward. Meg added, " Even you never told me about this, your face glows whenever we meet Edward. Things about Edward's relationship happened suddenly but you need to get over it, girl. You know what you need now??". Jane was confused and said, " A drink????". Meg " yeah, also that. But a makeover my girl. Look at you, you are hiding your best features behind this studious girl. I am going to bring her outside. I always called you for a makeover, but you denied it. Now you aren't escaping from me. I'm going to give your spectacles freedom,".

Meg made sure Jane followed her decision and helped her to get ready. Jane followed Meg like a puppy wherever she went. Meg made her try new clothes and made Jane buy them. She even bought new bags, footwear, and accessories for Jane. Jane was just confused and clueless. She then took Jane to a salon, and she spoke something which Jane never heard in her whole life. It was for about over 2 whole hours, where Jane even slept in the middle of her makeover. Meg woke her up and asked her to look at the mirror. WOW! Jaws drop to the floor. The person in the mirror was a new person. Jane never knew that she would look like this. She was stunned. After this Meg got Jane a couple of lenses and made sure she doesn't wear the same old Grandpa spectacles again.

It was the evening after all this shopping and makeover. Both were hungry and headed towards a nearby restaurant. All the men's eyes were looking at them. She was used to this because this is how a place would be if Meg is entering. But surprisingly, some guys were trying to talk to Jane. She was all new to this kind of attention. After eating, they headed towards their home. Throughout the way, everyone was literally looking at them. She asked Meg " why the hell everyone is staring at us ". Meg replied, " because you're beautiful". Jane was happy and forgot the worries she had about Edward's relationship.

The next day Meg wanted to leave for her campus and said to Jane that she will surely visit her every weekend. With a heavy heart and a smile, Jane said bye to her Most Beautiful and Wonderful Best friend Meg. She also thanked her for helping her when she was low. Within a week Jane also heard from her dorm and they asked her to reach as soon as possible. While traveling to her new city, dorm, and University. She knew that there is a whole new life is waiting for her.

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