Heart Strings

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Time ran fast, Jane and her friends experienced their first-semester examination at Yoda University with tension and sleepless nights. Every student on the campus was serious and was always seen with a book throughout the examination period. Bruce was also busy with his exams and never got time to visit Jane. Jane was studying most of her time with Ana and Eda at their room and Library. Exams started. This is the only time. The campus was silent and less lively. Exams lasted for two whole weeks. Finally, the exams got over. There was a sign of relief in every student's face. Some packed their bags and started moving to their hometown for a short vacation. Jane and friends didn't go to their hometown. Instead, they planned to go on a small girl's trip. Even Jane didn't have a mood to head to her home. She stayed here and worked at the coffee shop. Meg called Jane to ask if she is coming with her to their Home town. But Jane refused.

The girls planned a short trip to the near beach. Three enjoyed it a lot. It was a girls-only time. They didn't want any guy to accompany them. They ate, shopped, and played at the beach. They also went to a nearby amusement park. It was the best day of Jane's life. She never laughed so much. The horror house was filled with laughter, scare, and the toughest part was making Jane agree to go inside the Horror house. From the roller coaster to all the water rides, the girls missed nothing. They promised each other that they will remain friends, even after they move to work or change their career path.

After all this, the routine started. Ana performed with her troops and she was also offered to sing a title track of a TV show. While Ana and her troop were performing at a mall, the director of a popular TV show liked Ana's voice and made her sing the title track. Eda started working as an intern at a company suggested by Bruce. Bruce was working at his startup company fulltime. He was busy as his designs were implemented for a game. Jane started writing short stories for an online website and she also worked at the Coffee Shop because she didn't want to miss the chance of watching Alec play. Jane's story didn't receive much response, but she continued writing.

As it was a vacation, Alec played guitar at the coffee shop more frequently. Obviously it made Jane fly in the sky. One day after Alec finished his performance, he came near the counter where Jane was working. She thought he was about to order something. But to her surprise, he came and talked to her. Alec asked her, " Are you coming to see our troop perform at the park". Jane was just staring at him. He added, " I mean are you coming to watch your friend Ana perform". 

Finally, Jane came to life. She said, " Yes, I was just leaving for your show. How can I miss a show when yo.... I mean when Ana is performing". Alec, " That's good. Let's go together. I'm waiting outside". Jane couldn't believe what she just heard. She rushed outside, and she didn't want to show her excitement. They started walking.

For a few steps, none spoke. Jane started talking by introducing herself. Alec said, " Yeah, I know you. I've seen you with Ana. Prof Robert always praises your writing and not to forget you are popular on the campus. By the way, I'm Alec".

 Jane, "yeah, the handsome guitarist and best student of the Literature department". Alec laughed and added, " I doubt both". Till reaching the park they spoke about literature and music. After reaching the park, Alec said " Hoping to know you more". Jane smiled. In the meantime, Eda also joined with Jane to watch Ana's performance. While Alec was performing, he made eye contact with Jane many times and also smiled at her.

Throughout the way going to the dorm with Ana and Eda, Jane couldn't stop talking about Alec. They even tried to stop her, but they couldn't. If they had a chance, they would have even threw her in front of the running bus. But Jane's mind was filled with Alec. After reaching the dorm, Ana and Eda stuck tape to Jane's mouth to make her stop talking. Jane went to bed smiling and the other two went to bed with earplugs. 

Finally, the holidays came to an end. 

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