The New Sky

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Jane was crying for a week, Ana and Eda tried so many things but they couldn't console Jane. After a week Jane started isolating herself and stopped talking to everyone. She even pushed Ana and Eda away from her. She stopped writing her story too; the publishers called her, but she declined their call too. She even lagged in her studies and sometimes she cried, saying that she hates herself. Jane stopped eating and didn't sleep. This all made her pale and anemic. Jane was pathetic, Ana and Eda felt helpless. They called Bruce and said what was happening here and how Jane was behaving. He said his game is about to complete and will come to the university by next week. Ana and Eda hoped that Bruce might change something.

Bruce arrived and things waiting for him were horrible. He saw his best friend in a state which he never wished to see. A happy girl is sad and silent. He got permission from the dorm in charge to meet Jane in her dorm. She was lying on her bed in a terrible state. He spoke to her, and she started crying on his shoulders. She cried saying people were with me only because I look beautiful and I hate myself for this. Bruce said just don't hate yourself because of a guy, with or without makeover people like you. Look at your face now, how terrible you are, but still we three are here with you. Be yourself, be confident, and forget about him. His words encouraged her for a minute, but the next she was down and upset again. Daily Ana, Eda, and Bruce made something to cheer up Jane. She was recovering day by day. She stopped her makeover and went back to the girl with spectacles. She was scared that people will treat her indifferently, but that wasn't the case. Nobody acted weird. She got some new confidence. Adding to this, she was selected for the writing campaign where one student will get to publish their book. Ana, Eda, and Bruce were happy to see jane back on the track. She went to the camp and when she returned everyone was expecting to hear the good news of her getting selected, but it wasn't the case. She didn't get selected, but her story was asked by some other company for publishing. Bruce Game was also launched in many countries and Ana started singing for Movies and Drama. Studious Ana was being, as usual, studious and foodie. She also does some NGO works. Time flew.

After 6 years, Jane and Ana were standing in a garden with a similar gown holding a bunch of beautiful flowers. There came a pretty girl with a white dress. YESSS!! it was Eda's wedding with Michele. How much they fight but still found their way back to each other. Ana and Jane couldn't control their excitement and happiness as their best friend is getting married. When Eda and Michele completed their vow, Ana and Jane shouted which made the entire crowd turn towards them. Ana covered her face with embarrassment and a man with a suit came and asked Ana and Jane to shut their mouth. It was none other than Bruce. Then Ana went to play music for the bride and the groom. Jane and Bruce sat on the chair looking at the lovely couple cutting the cake. Bruce felt a realization that his feelings for Jane were protective and possessiveness around his best friend and he still loves her but as a friend. Jane looked at everyone and remembered their first meet and their care for her. Now, Bruce is a leading designer in a gaming company, Ana became a well-known singer, Eda became a professor at Yoda University who is loved by all, and finally, Jane a writer and motivational speaker. She speaks about not giving up on their dreams and also says people not to care about their looks. Her main motto is to make people confident and feel happy about how they are and never change for anyone. Everyone was waiting for the bride to toss her bouquet. When she tossed her bouquet, it landed in the hands of Ana and everyone knew she was in the line waiting to get married. The girl who didn't have a good opinion over a relationship was in love and in a relationship for over 3 years. Everything happened like marriage and all grew together. Jane felt happy and lucky to have such amazing people in life. Eda shouted from the stage calling Jane, Bruce, and Ana for a picture together. They all knew it is going to be framed in everyone's home.

The end.

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