The Betrayal

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On the day Jane reached college, she got a message from Edward saying he wants to meet her and he will wait for her in the nearby coffee shop. She went to her room and got dressed up to meet him. When she reached the coffee shop, Edward was already waiting for her. She went to him and asked how he was. He didn't reply; he was silent. She asked him what happened. He remained silent for a while and spoke. He asked her why she asked someone to follow him. She didn't know what to reply. He continued speaking. He said that the girl was with him is a friend and classmate of his and he also added that he came back to college to help his friend with his project. So they hung out together. Jane was just nodding her head. Edward told her he didn't expect her to doubt him or his love for her, and he said he knew that Carol was the one who gave such an idea to Jane. Jane lifted her head and saw his face with a surprise. Edward told Jane that Carol was in a relationship with a guy in her college and was flirting with many. When I asked her about this she blamed him. When he ended things with her, she started spreading rumors about him. He held her hands and said that she is doing all this to take revenge on me and Carol is trying to separate them. Jane held his hands back and apologized for trusting her words and not him. Jane really felt bad for not trusting him, and she felt happy that he spoke to her about this issue instead of creating fights or drama.

Jane said this to her friends, but Ana wasn't convinced. Eda said let's not believe some third person but Ana was sure that something was wrong with Edward. Jane asked her not to make anyone follow or watch Edward as she trust him. Ana said okay to her, but she did not stop that. She even said this to Eda and made her promise not to say to Jane about this. Eda was scared about this and also asked Ana to drop this because if Jane comes to, she may feel betrayed by her own friends. Ana said what if we are correct about Edward and we can save our friend's life!. They both agreed on this and made someone look after Edward. Jane didn't know any of this, and she was happily going out with Edward. Her stories on the website even got some recognitions. So she spent most of her time on her stories. She was even called by the publishing company that if her story continues to get more recognition, the company even publish her works. Jane didn't have much time to meet with Edward because of her works. This brought many arguments and fights between them. In the meantime, Ana and Eda found that Edward was two-timing with Jane. He was also in a relationship with another girl from the same department of his. They didn't know how to say this to Jane. Next weekend a friend of Edward's was holding a party at his house. So Ana and Eda made a plan, so Jane can see what is happening to her. The day came, Ana and Eda insisted to Jane that she should meet Edward and give him a surprise. They convinced her by saying that giving him such surprise will make him forget all your fights. They even took her to Edward's friend's home. It was a colorful party and as expected he was with that girl. He held that girl and talking with his friends. After seeing this Jane wanted to leave but her friends insisted that she should know the truth. The girl moved away, but Edward and his friends were still talking. Jane and her friends moved close to hear what they were talking and also they were hiding from Edward. That's when Jane knew everything. Edward was in a relationship with a girl called Isabella from his department. He didn't love Jane; it was just a bet with his friends to make Jane fall in love and get laid. Jane's heart broke when she heard all this from his mouth. He also added to his friends she was foolish to think he will love her, and he agreed to this bet because of her makeover. If she was the same girl from the school, he wouldn't even see her face.

Jane couldn't hear anything anymore. She stood before Edward crying and shouting for betraying her in the name of love, but still, he was acting before her it was all her friends plotted against him. She shouted even more when he started speaking ill about her friends and then he agreed that he didn't love her at all and he was with her just because of her looks. Jane was broken into pieces. Ana and Eda cursed him and took Jane back to the dorm.

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