Chapter 1

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You were walking around ba sing se in the middle of the night, but that's really the only time you can be out because your always being watched, and when your guards think your asleep they don't check on you much, so you always sneak out and just walk around, but maids are different you know exactly how much time you got before they check on you, it's like a clock and you memorized it

You suddenly bump into someone and they dropped a bunch of boxes "I'm so sorry let me help you." You say and the guy looks at you and looked shocked because you were super beautiful wow, yours and his hand touched as you start helping and he stops you

"Oh no it's fine I can pick them back up, Its my fault anyways I shouldn't have done this all in one go." He says and you smile sweetly

"At least let me help you carry them you have a lot of them, I don't want you bumping to anyone else and having to do this all over again." You say picking up a few and he smiled and nodded and you helped him carry the boxes to his uncles tea shop

"Hey uncle we have a guest they helped me as I was picking up those boxes you wanted, don't know why you made me get them in the middle of the night but ok."  The boy says and his uncle looks over and smiles

"Well Lee I didn't expect you to bring girls over if you told me I would have made some tea." His uncle says and now you've found out his name which is lee "And what is your name ma'am?" He asks and you smile as you you put the boxes down

"I'm Y/n and oh, I shouldn't stay I um shouldn't even be outside." You say and lee looked at you confused

"Why not you helped me with those boxes the least we can do is give you some tea." Lee says and you sigh and nod

"Why not I guess." You say and you and lee sat at a table and talked with you

"So where do you live y/n?" Lee asks and you look away as you sip your tea making sure you didn't slurp at all

"Oh its not important just a normal rich family here but um after this tea I need to get back immediately or else I'll be in trouble." You say and lee nods

"I can walk you home, again least I can do for you helping me." He says thinking where you live must not be far from here

"No don't I'll be fine I can protect myself easily and it's very far away so I'll just go by myself." You say and you and lee talk for awhile until you had to go

And then you get up and walk back to the castle and go through your secret escape entrance that leads right to your bedroom

You then got ready for bed and got into your bed and pretend to be asleep as a maid walks in to check on you

*I sometimes wish I was normal but that's never gonna happen, like I really want a friend I've never had one in my life, I just want someone to laugh with and spend the days away so it isn't as boring as reading a book in my room all day*

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